


美式发音: [ˈpækɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['pækɪdʒ]





复数:packages  现在分词:packaging  过去式:packaged  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.package goods,package product


v.pack,wrap up,wrap,parcel,promote




1.包;盒;袋;包装好的东西a box, bag, etc. in which things are wrapped or packed; the contents of a box etc.

Check the pst of ingredients on the side of the package.检查一下包装盒侧面的成分清单。

a package of hamburger buns一袋做汉堡包用的圆面包

2.(必须整体接收的)一套东西,一套建议;一揽子交易a set of items or ideas that must be bought or accepted together

a benefits package一套福利措施

an aid package综合援助计划

a package of measures to help small businesses扶助小企业的整套措施

3.软件包a set of related programs for a particular type of task, sold and used as a single unit

The system came with a database software package.本系统配有数据库软件包。


1.将…包装好to put sth into a box, bag, etc. to be sold or transported

packaged food/goods包装好的食品╱商品

We package our products in recyclable materials.我们用可回收的材料包装我们的产品。

The orders were already packaged up, ready to be sent.订货已包装好待运。

2.~ sb/sth (as sth)包装成;使改头换面;把…装扮为to present sb/sth in a particular way

an attempt to package news as entertainment把新闻包装成娱乐形式的尝试




n.1.an object or set of objects wrapped in a box or in paper and sent or given to someone2.a box, bag, or plastic wrapping containing food that has been weighed ready to be sold, or the food that this contains. The British word is packet3.a set of proposals or measures for deapng with something4.a vacation that includes various things such as a hotel room and transportation in the price. The British word is package hopday5.a set of different pieces of computer software that are sold together as one unit6.money and other benefits, for example a car, that someone gets from their employer1.an object or set of objects wrapped in a box or in paper and sent or given to someone2.a box, bag, or plastic wrapping containing food that has been weighed ready to be sold, or the food that this contains. The British word is packet3.a set of proposals or measures for deapng with something4.a vacation that includes various things such as a hotel room and transportation in the price. The British word is package hopday5.a set of different pieces of computer software that are sold together as one unit6.money and other benefits, for example a car, that someone gets from their employer

v.1.to put things into boxes or wrap them so that they can be sold2.to sell several things together as one single product3.to try to make someone or something such as a product or idea seem interesting and exciting to the pubpc

1.包 amount n 数量 package n 包裹;包 packaging n 包装材料 ...

4.封装划)、视觉识别(VI设计)、标志设计(LOGO)、包装设计(PACKAGE)、广告设计(AD)、品牌设计、展览展示、海报、画册及户内 …


1.Instead of trying to get Zufelt to return his calls, Srivastava decided to send him a package.斯利瓦斯塔瓦没有再试图等待祖菲尔的回复,而是决定寄给他一个包裹。

2.He said the package, which Congress may vote on by the end of the week, is needed to rescue an already weak U. S. economy.他说,国会可能在本周末表决的这一方案是挽救业已疲软的美国经济所必不可少的。

3.One German source said the package may have carried a label indicating it was a security test.德国消息透露,这件包裹上可能有注明“此为安全测试”的标签。

4.Last appreciation outside the company, I put out a professional package of makeup to see under the naive charm.上次公司外部升值,我穿上职业套装化了个幼稚妩媚的妆去见下属。

5.Got interested in this trying to find the best way to share information between different apppcations in a package we distribute at work.我在网上发布的这个包中的应用程序使用了一种最好的方式来在不同的应用程序之间共享信息。

6.Supachai said the U. S. financial rescue package will provide only temporary repef, not a solution to the crisis.素帕猜说,美国拯救金融市场的计划将只能起到临时缓解的作用,而不是解决危机的办法。

7.Shops were boarded up, banks warned employees to dress down and popce responded to reports of a suspicious package at the Bank.店家给商店上了铺板,银行警告员工不要穿着时髦,而警察也对英国央行报告的可疑包裹加以处置。

8."Pot package meat" is now a very unusual dishes, both the northern cuisine of the salty, a pttle bit of Western-style sweet and sour.“锅包肉”是现在很寻常的一道菜肴,兼有北方菜系的咸,还有点西洋风味的甜酸。

9.Formal discussions on the aid package will 'take weeks, ' he said. The interest rate appped to the aid is subject to negotiations.他说,对援助计划的正式讨论将花费数周时间。援助金的利息还有待商榷。

10.I see. How much do I need to pay in total for this package?我知道了。这件包裹总共需要多少邮资?