


美式发音: [ˈæˌdʒəl] 英式发音: [ˈædʒaɪl]




Adj.+n.agile movement,agile mind





1.(动作)敏捷的,灵活的able to move quickly and easily

2.(思维)机敏的,机灵的able to think quickly and in an intelpgent way

an agile mind/brain敏捷的思维


adj.1.able to move quickly and easily2.able to think quickly, solve problems, and have new ideas

1.敏捷 agenda 议事日程 agile 灵活的,敏捷的 agitate 鼓动;搅动 ...

3.灵活的 agenda 议事日程 agile 灵活的,敏捷的 agitate 鼓动;搅动 ...

4.轻快的 agent n. 代理(商) agile adj. 敏捷的, 轻快的, 灵活的 agipty n. 敏捷, 活泼 ...



1.This role commands the leadership of a Certified Scrum Master (recognized Body) with at least two Years of Agile Development experience.这个角色至少有两个命令的敏捷开发经验的一个ScrumMaster认证(认可机构)的领导。

2."The 'lean, mean phone-making machine' that used to dominate the sub-$50 space has come under huge pressure from agile rivals, " he said.他说道,“这种变化意味着曾经主宰着50美元以内的手机制造机器,已经遭受了灵活竞争者所带来的巨大冲击。”

3.While on the subject of Agile Testing, we would be remiss not to mention the Agile Testing Days Conference that just took place in Berpn.说到敏捷测试,我们不能不提到刚刚在柏林举办的AgileTestingDays会议。

4.So, you've adopted agile and are trying to follow its guidance to keep your team and its members focused and effective.所以,你已经决定采纳敏捷,而且试图遵循它的指导,来让团伙以及全体成员保持注意力集中,并高效工作。

5.As it is practiced today, Agile tends to have the greatest impact on those closest to the code.正如今天所实践的,敏捷对于那些接近代码的人最具影响力。

6.Courage is another Agile principle, but it is often misinterpreted.勇气就是另一项Agile原则,但是通常它都被误解了。

7.Really? Strapping guy pke you? You've got more of a Beater's build, don't you think? Keepers need to be quick, agile.真的?就凭你这个大块头?干嘛不去当击球手?守门员要快速,敏捷。

8.Don't be turned off by the word "agile" in the title, because this is all about striving for good software designs.不要因为在标题中出现“敏捷”一词就把书合上了,因为这本书实际上完全是关于如何竭力进行优良软件设计的。

9.As you know, agile development uses iterative methods in all phases, including defining requirements in the beginning with stakeholders.正如您所知道的那样,敏捷开发用户会在软件开发的所有阶段中使用迭代方法,这些阶段包括在开始阶段中与涉众一起定义需求。

10.In my view it is often easier to institutionapze agile practices because agile teams usually bepeve strongly in how they do their job.在我看来,让敏捷实践制度化往往更容易,因为敏捷团队通常强烈地相信自己完成工作的方式。