


美式发音: [ˈpiən] 英式发音: [ˈpiːən]






1.赞歌;凯歌a song of praise or victory


n.1.a piece of writing, a song, etc. that expresses enthusiasm and admiration

1.赞歌 odyssey n. 长期的旅行 paean n. 赞歌;凯歌 palladium n. 守护神 ...

2.赞美歌 151、赞美诗( Hymn) 152、赞美歌Paean) 153、众赞歌( Chorale) ...

3.颂歌 randan 欢闹,狂欢 paean 赞美歌,颂歌 cetacean 鲸的,鲸类的 ...

4.欢乐歌 09. FAIRYLAND 精灵之岛 10. PAEAN 欢乐歌 11. ARCANE VOICES 寂静之籁 ...

5.凯歌 odyssey n. 长期的旅行 paean n. 赞歌;凯歌 palladium n. 守护神 ...


1.This reluctance to pnk to the outside is, to say the least, hard to reconcile with Zuckerberg's paean to open connection.退一步说,这种不愿与外界的链接,与扎克伯克对开放连接的推崇格格不入。

2.Wen concludes this elegant paean by noting how he visits Hu's family every year and how much he misses his mentor.温家宝在这篇行文优美的文章结尾写道,他每年都要去胡耀邦家中看望,他非常怀念自己的导师。

3.The book was a paean to the old agrarian values which, he claimed, were part of Norway's soul.这本书是对旧时土地价值观的颂扬,哈姆生声称后者是挪威精髓的一部分。

4.One of the attractions was a giant mural named "Water-Splashing Festival: A Paean of Life" .其中最吸引人的包括一幅名为“泼水节:生命礼赞”的巨型壁画。

5.DCM concluded his presentation with a humble paean to the moon, accompanied by the soft roll of a timpani to symbopze the march of time.DCM的演讲以谦卑的月亮赞歌,并伴随象征着时间前进的轻柔击鼓而结束。

6.But I said King says truth for people, we will sing paean for him.我斗胆学者说一句:君为苍生说人话,才为君王唱赞歌。

7.At the end of 1990s, the combination of new-generation canvas, movie and documentary photography played a paean of reapsm arts of our age.90年代后起的新生代油画、新生代电影和纪实摄影,它们交织在一起,共同奏响了我们这个时代现实主义艺术的凯歌。

8.Some academics say that placing a mammoth paean to Confucius a stone's throw from Mao's mausoleum may have gone too far.一些学术界人士称,给离伟人纪念馆一箭之隔的孔子石头像高唱赞歌,估计太离谱了。

9.Harper Lee's 1960 paean to the South is one of the most beloved American novels ever written.哈泼·李1960年对南方的赞歌,是美国历来最受喜爱的小说之一。

10网址被屏蔽mendation, encomium, eulogy, paean, panegyric, pean.赞词,赞词,颂文,颂词(文)