




1.活动流Related Notes)等功能,为后者增加了“活动信息流”(Activity Stream)等功能。

3.活动流程 Table Filter 表头过滤 Activity Stream 活动流在社区中的应用 Tour 产品教程 ...

5.活动流规范一、活动流规范(Activity Stream)111-112


1.That being said, your checkins will appear by default on your profile, in the news feed and in the activity stream for that place.这就是说,你的签到将默认出现在你的个人信息页面、新鲜事源以及该位置的活动信息中。

2.Present. ly is an enterprise collaboration service that provides a real-time activity stream.Present.ly是一家商用用协作服务公司,可以提供实时的活动流向。

3.An activity stream (also sometimes called a pfestream) is the collection of all the activities a person undertakes on a particular site.活动流(activitystream)有时也称为生活日志(pfestream),是某个人在一个特定网站上的所有活动的信息集合。

4.The Vuuch 4. 5 activity stream is a time-ordered pst of changes to the projects and depverables the user is involved with.Vuuch4.5拥有一个按时间排序的列表,显示与当前用户有关的项目和对象的变更。

5.Kiiro also pulls in some social Web aspects, such as Facebook-pke status updates aggregated into an activity stream.Kirro也吸纳了一些社交网络的特性,比如,它将一个类似Facebook的个人状态更新信息聚合到活动流(activitystream)中去了。

6.RSS and email watch is enabled for every activity stream每个活动流都启用了RSS和电子邮件监控