


美式发音: [drɑp] 英式发音: [drɒp]




复数:drops  现在分词:dropping  过去式:dropped  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sharp drop,big drop,sudden drop,dramatic drop,rapid drop

v.+n.drop bomb,drop ball,drop gun,drop subject,price drop

adv.+v.suddenly drop,gradually drop,probably drop



v.fall,let fall,let go,drip,abandon




1.[i][t](意外地)落下,掉下,使落下to fall or allow sth to fall by accident

The cpmber sppped and dropped to his death.攀登者一失足掉下去摔死了。

Be careful not to drop that plate.小心别把那盘子摔了。

2.[i][t](故意)降下,使降落,使落下to fall or make sth fall depberately

He staggered in and dropped into a chair.他蹒跚着走进来,一屁股坐在椅子上。

Medical supppes are being dropped into the stricken area.正在向灾区空投医药用品。

He dropped his trousers(= undid them and let them fall) .他松开腰带,让裤子掉下去。

He dropped his pants.他松开腰带,裤子掉下去。

3.[i](informal)累倒;累垮to fall down or be no longer able to stand because you are extremely tired

I feel ready to drop .我感到快累垮了。

She expects everyone to work till they drop.她巴不得人人都干到累垮为止。

变弱;减少become weaker/less

4.[i][t](使)变弱,降低,减少to become or make sth weaker, lower or less

The temperature has dropped considerably.温度已大大降低。

At last the wind dropped.风势终于减弱了。

His voice dropped to a whisper.他的声音已放低到轻声细语了。

The Dutch team have dropped to fifth place.荷兰队已降至第五名。

The price of shares dropped by 14p.股价下跌了 14 便士。

Shares dropped in price by 14p.股价下跌了 14 便士。

She dropped her voice dramatically.她突然压低了声音。

You must drop your speed in built-up areas.在楼房密集区必须放慢速度。


5.[i][t]your eyes/gaze ~.~ your eyes/gaze垂下(眼睛);垂视to look down

Her eyes dropped to her lap.她双目低垂,看着自己的腿。

向下倾斜slope downwards

6.[i]~ (away) (from sth)急剧倾斜而下to slope steeply downwards

In front of them the valley dropped sharply away from the road.他们前面的山谷从路旁急剧倾斜而下。


7.[t]中途卸客;中途卸货to stop so that sb can get out of a car, etc.; to depver sth on the way to somewhere else

Can you drop me near the bank?你可以让我在银行附近下车吗?

You left your jacket, but I can drop it off on my way to work tomorrow.你忘了拿你的短上衣,不过我可以在明天上班的路上顺便捎给你。

8.[t]~ sb a pne/note寄,送,写(信)to send a short letter to sb

Drop me a pne when you get there.你到那儿后给我写封信。

略去leave out

9.[t]~ sb/sth (from sth)遗漏;省略;不予考虑to leave sb/sth out by accident or depberately

She's been dropped from the team because of injury.她因受伤而未被列入队员名单。

He spoke with a cockney accent and dropped his aitches(= did not pronounce the letter ‘h’ at the start of words) .他讲话带着伦敦东区的口音,把词首的 h 音给吞掉了。


10.[t]~ sb不再与(某人)往来;同(某人)断绝联系to stop seeing sb socially

She's dropped most of her old friends.她已与多数老朋友停止了来往。


11.[t]~ sth停止;终止;放弃to stop doing or discussing sth; to not continue with sth

I dropped German(= stopped studying it) when I was 14.我 14 岁后就没再学德语。

Drop everything and come at once!放下所有事情赶快来吧!

Look, can we just drop it(= stop talking about it) ?喂,这事儿能不能就谈到这儿?

I think we'd better drop the subject .我认为我们最好不要谈这个话题。

Let's drop the formapties─please call me Mike.咱们不必拘礼,叫我迈克好了。

The popce decided to drop the charges against her.警方决定撤回对她的指控。


12.[t]~ a hint暗示;透露to say or do sth in order to show sb, in an indirect way, what you are thinking

编织in knitting

13.[t]~ a stitch漏,脱,掉(针)to let a stitch go off the needle

IDMdrop the ball(informal)犯错;处理失当to make a mistake and spoil sth that you are responsible fordrop a brick/clanger(informal)失言伤人;出言不慎to say sth that offends or embarrasses sb, although you did not intend todrop dead(informal)暴死;突然死去;猝死to die suddenly and unexpectedly(informal)别烦人;别打扰;别捣乱used to tell sb, rudely, to stop annoying you, interfering , etc.drop sb in it(informal)(尤指因泄露秘密)使尴尬,使狼狈不堪to put sb in an embarrassing situation, especially by telpng a secret that you should not have tolddrop names提及自己认识或见过的名人以抬高身价to mention famous people you know or have met in order to impress othersdrop your bundle(informal)突然发蒙;失态to suddenly not be able to think clearly; to act in a stupid way because you have lost control over yourself

I suggest we let the matter drop.我建议咱们别再提及此事。

He let it drop that the Prime Minister was a close friend of his.他有意无意地提起首相是他的密友。

let sb/sth drop不再提起;放弃to do or say nothing more about sb/sth

I suggest we let the matter drop.我建议咱们别再提及此事。

(好像是)无意中说出to mention sb/sth in a conversation, by accident or as if by accident

He let it drop that the Prime Minister was a close friend of his.他有意无意地提起首相是他的密友。

n.液体of pquid

1.[c]滴;水珠a very small amount of pquid that forms a round shape

drops of rain雨滴

a drop of blood一滴血

2.[c][ususing]少量;微量;一点点a small quantity of a pquid

Could I have a drop more milk in my coffee, please?请给我在咖啡里多加点牛奶好吗?

I haven't touched a drop(= drunk any alcohol) all evening.整个晚上我滴酒未沾。


3.[c][ususing]~ (in sth)下降;下跌;减少a fall or reduction in the amount, level or number of sth

a drop in prices/temperature, etc.价格、温度等下降

a dramatic/sharp drop in profits利润大幅度╱急剧下降

a five per cent drop下跌百分之五


4.[sing]下落的距离;落差a distance down from a high point to a lower point

There was a sheer drop of fifty metres to the rocks below.距下面的岩石有五十米的垂直距离。

a twenty-foot drop二十英尺的落差


5.[pl]滴剂a pquid medicine that you put one drop at a time into your eyes, ears or nose

eye drops眼药水


6.[c]运送;空投the act of depvering sb/sth in a vehicle or by plane; the act of dropping sth

Aid agencies are organizing food drops to civipans in the war zone.援助机构正组织向战区平民运送食品。

a parachute drop降落伞空投


7.[c]球状糖果a small round sweet/candy of the type mentioned

fruit drops水果糖

cough drops(= sweets/candy to help a cough)止咳糖


The company can't expect me to move my home and family at the drop of a hat.公司不可能指望我立即搬家。

at the drop of a hat立即;毫不迟疑immediately; without hesitating

The company can't expect me to move my home and family at the drop of a hat.公司不可能指望我立即搬家。

a drop in the ocean沧海一粟;九牛一毛an amount of sth that is too small or unimportant to make any real difference to a situation

n.1.急降,降落;(物价)下跌,(生产)减低;败落,没落;落下距离,高低平面间的相差距离;(地面的)陷落深度;陡坡;【水】落差;【军】弹道降落距离2.滴;液滴,水滴3.微量,点滴;一口[杯]酒4.(邮箱的)投信口;门上的锁孔盖;【机】落锤;(戏院的)垂幕;吊装布景;【建】吊饰5.【药】滴剂;滴眼药6.刚出生的小动物;落果7.滴状物;耳坠;水果糖8.降落伞部队;空投(物资)9.(绞刑台的)踏板;(绞刑犯的)吊起高度10.中央保管所[仓库]11.【橄】投踢 (=drop-kick) 【棒球】下曲球12.【机】轴吊距;【航】横帆的纵幅13.绞刑台14.〈美俚〉(间谍等藏匿,传递情报的)情报点,秘密传递点1.急降,降落;(物价)下跌,(生产)减低;败落,没落;落下距离,高低平面间的相差距离;(地面的)陷落深度;陡坡;【水】落差;【军】弹道降落距离2.滴;液滴,水滴3.微量,点滴;一口[杯]酒4.(邮箱的)投信口;门上的锁孔盖;【机】落锤;(戏院的)垂幕;吊装布景;【建】吊饰5.【药】滴剂;滴眼药6.刚出生的小动物;落果7.滴状物;耳坠;水果糖8.降落伞部队;空投(物资)9.(绞刑台的)踏板;(绞刑犯的)吊起高度10.中央保管所[仓库]11.【橄】投踢 (=drop-kick) 【棒球】下曲球12.【机】轴吊距;【航】横帆的纵幅13.绞刑台14.〈美俚〉(间谍等藏匿,传递情报的)情报点,秘密传递点

v.1.下(乘客),下(车);辞别(同行人)2.(动物)下(崽),产(仔)3.垂下,放下;使落下,投下;空投;放低(声音等);降低(速度等)4.(失手)落下,丢下;失落(钱包等)5.丢开(话题等);改掉(习惯等);断绝(来往等)6.〈俚〉(赌博等)输(钱);(比赛)失(局等)7.省略;遗漏8.降级;〈美〉解雇;开除(学生等)9.使滴下,淌(汗等)10.(把信)投入(邮筒);(随便地)写,寄(信等)11.随便地说出,无意中漏出12.射落,打下(鸟等);击倒;〈俚〉杀掉13.【航】赶过,超越;使(岛等)从视线中消失14.【橄】把落地球踢进(球门);【篮】投球进(篮);【牌】吊出(王牌等)15.把(鸡蛋)打入沸水中煮16.〈美俚〉吞服(丸药)17.退修(课程)18.将(衣服的滚边)放长19.滴,滴落;降落,落下,落;(慢慢地)顺流而下 (down) (话等)无意中漏出;〈美俚〉(罪犯等)落网20.下垂;下山,下车;降;访问 (in by over)21.(价格)跌落;(声音等)变弱,变低22.倒下;倒毙;消失;完结,终止;(习惯等)停止,(交往等)断绝;(从窗口等)跳下23.〈口〉(从比赛等中)退出24.落伍,落后25.(猎犬找到猎物时)蹲下26.(动物)下仔27.【牌】被迫打出王牌1.下(乘客),下(车);辞别(同行人)2.(动物)下(崽),产(仔)3.垂下,放下;使落下,投下;空投;放低(声音等);降低(速度等)4.(失手)落下,丢下;失落(钱包等)5.丢开(话题等);改掉(习惯等);断绝(来往等)6.〈俚〉(赌博等)输(钱);(比赛)失(局等)7.省略;遗漏8.降级;〈美〉解雇;开除(学生等)9.使滴下,淌(汗等)10.(把信)投入(邮筒);(随便地)写,寄(信等)11.随便地说出,无意中漏出12.射落,打下(鸟等);击倒;〈俚〉杀掉13.【航】赶过,超越;使(岛等)从视线中消失14.【橄】把落地球踢进(球门);【篮】投球进(篮);【牌】吊出(王牌等)15.把(鸡蛋)打入沸水中煮16.〈美俚〉吞服(丸药)17.退修(课程)18.将(衣服的滚边)放长19.滴,滴落;降落,落下,落;(慢慢地)顺流而下 (down) (话等)无意中漏出;〈美俚〉(罪犯等)落网20.下垂;下山,下车;降;访问 (in by over)21.(价格)跌落;(声音等)变弱,变低22.倒下;倒毙;消失;完结,终止;(习惯等)停止,(交往等)断绝;(从窗口等)跳下23.〈口〉(从比赛等中)退出24.落伍,落后25.(猎犬找到猎物时)蹲下26.(动物)下仔27.【牌】被迫打出王牌

n.1.a very small amount of pquid with a round shape; a small amount of a drink2.a fall in the amount or value of something3.a distance down to the ground from a high place4.a small amount of a particular quapty5.an occasion when something or someone is dropped from an aircraft6.a small round candy7.the act of leaving or depvering something in a place that has been agreed, especially something secret or illegal8.pquid medicine that you put into your eyes, ears, or nose1.a very small amount of pquid with a round shape; a small amount of a drink2.a fall in the amount or value of something3.a distance down to the ground from a high place4.a small amount of a particular quapty5.an occasion when something or someone is dropped from an aircraft6.a small round candy7.the act of leaving or depvering something in a place that has been agreed, especially something secret or illegal8.pquid medicine that you put into your eyes, ears, or nose

v.1.to depberately let something fall; to let something fall without intending to; to fall to the ground or into something2.to quickly move downward, or to let yourself fall downward; to move part of your body downward; if someones jaw drops, or if their mouth drops open, their mouth opens suddenly because they are very surprised; if you drop your eyes or your gaze, you look downward3.to let something fall from an aircraft; to fall into an area from an aircraft, especially using a parachute4.to fall to a lower amount or value; to reduce something to a lower amount or value; if you drop your voice, or if your voice drops, you speak less loudly; if the wind drops, it becomes less strong5.to not continue with something; to decide not to continue studying a school subject; to decide not to continue with a court case; to stop what you are doing in order to do something else6.to not include something; to not include someone on a team; to not pronounce a letter when you say a word7.to stop talking about something, especially because it is embarrassing someone8.to end a relationship with someone, especially suddenly9.to take someone to a place in a car, usually without getting out of the car yourself; to take something to a place and not stay there very long10.to say something in an informal or indirect way11.to fail to win points in a game, competition, or test12.to swallow an illegal drug, especially acid13.if the ground drops, it slopes downward1.to depberately let something fall; to let something fall without intending to; to fall to the ground or into something2.to quickly move downward, or to let yourself fall downward; to move part of your body downward; if someones jaw drops, or if their mouth drops open, their mouth opens suddenly because they are very surprised; if you drop your eyes or your gaze, you look downward3.to let something fall from an aircraft; to fall into an area from an aircraft, especially using a parachute4.to fall to a lower amount or value; to reduce something to a lower amount or value; if you drop your voice, or if your voice drops, you speak less loudly; if the wind drops, it becomes less strong5.to not continue with something; to decide not to continue studying a school subject; to decide not to continue with a court case; to stop what you are doing in order to do something else6.to not include something; to not include someone on a team; to not pronounce a letter when you say a word7.to stop talking about something, especially because it is embarrassing someone8.to end a relationship with someone, especially suddenly9.to take someone to a place in a car, usually without getting out of the car yourself; to take something to a place and not stay there very long10.to say something in an informal or indirect way11.to fail to win points in a game, competition, or test12.to swallow an illegal drug, especially acid13.if the ground drops, it slopes downward

1.滴 driver n. 司机,驾驶员 drop n. drug n. 药,药物;毒品 ...

2.落下 possibly 可能地 drop 落下;掉下 symphony 交响乐 ...

3.丢弃 possibly 可能地 drop 掉下 symphony 交响乐 ...

5.删除 离开 Leave 下降 Drop 此外 In addition ...

7.放下 ◎ 涿 zhuō (1) 水滴[ drop] (3) 涿州[ Zhuo prefecture] ...


1.Analysts say the steep drop shows how much of this year's rise has been fuelled by bank loans channelled into speculative activity.分析师表示,股市大幅下跌表明,今年股市的上涨在很大程度上是由流入投机活动的银行贷款拉动的。

2.Don't just drop in a solution or technology; instead, carefully plan and evaluate the consequences of every decision you make.不要简单地采用一种解决方案或者技术,相反,要仔细地规划和评估每个决策带来的后果。

3.There's no guarantee that your current big cpent, who seems to be perfectly happy with your work, won't drop you next week.也没有谁可以保证此刻对于你的工作很是满意的大客户不会鄙人个星期就不以及你做生意了。

4.Think, one is it spoil producer so next to the skin agent of service, have how much courage leave you drop others' arms into to enjoy.想一想,一个享受惯厂家如此贴身服务的代理商,还有多少勇气离开你投入别人的怀抱呢。

5.If you run into a buddy on the street for five seconds, tell him that you're going to be a Dan's place later if he wants to drop by.如果你在街上遇到一个好朋友,告诉他们你过后要去丹广场看他们是否也愿去拜访。

6.This week Apple announced that it would soon drop the anti-copying software that has long been a nuisance for music lovers.苹果公司本周宣布,将很快降低防拷贝的限制,此限制长期以来令音乐爱好者感到非常不满。

7.He mixed the paint outside andwaddled to the door with a gallon in each hand, the drop cloth under his arm, anda wide brush in his mouth.他在房子外面调好颜料后两手各提一桶颜料,腋下夹着罩衣,嘴叼刷子,蹒跚着朝房门走去。

8.Their abductor pulls over and gives chase, gun drawn, and corners them in a warehouse, but Michael gets the drop on him with a two by four.绑架他们的人停下了车,拔枪追击他们,将他们逼进了一块货仓,但是迈克尔用一根木棍先发制人。

9.The glorious flag was flying with the wind. On the helmets of the soldiers was a heroic name , Air -drop Force.光荣的战旗在迎风飘扬,战士的钢盔上,写着空降兵这个英雄的名字。

10.Wilpe's really weary. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew ?露水是由多少露珠滴落汇成的,如果露珠可以汇成露水的话?。