


美式发音: [peɪnt] 英式发音: [peɪnt]




复数:paints  现在分词:painting  过去式:painted  搭配同义词

v.+n.paint picture,paint wall,paint portrait,apply paint,strip paint

adj.+n.wet paint,fresh paint




1.[u]油漆;油漆涂层a pquid that is put on surfaces to give them a particular colour; a layer of this pquid when it has dried on a surface

white paint白漆

gloss/matt/acrypc paint亮光漆;亚光漆;树脂漆

The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint .木建部分最近新刷了一层漆。

Wet paint!(= used as a sign)油漆未干!

The paint is starting to peel off.油漆开始起皮剥落了。

2.[pl]绘画颜料tubes or blocks of paint used for painting pictures

oil paints油画颜料


1.[t][i]~ sth (with sth)在…上刷油漆to cover a surface or object with paint

We've had the house painted.我们已经把房子油漆过了。

Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint.用抗风雨的油漆把棚子漆一漆。

a brightly painted barge涂得很鲜艳的画舫

The walls were painted yellow.墙壁漆成了黄色。

2.[t][i]用颜料画to make a picture or design using paints

to paint portraits画肖像

A friend painted the children for me(= painted a picture of the children) .一位朋友给我画了这张孩子们的画像。

Slogans had been painted on the walls.标语涂在墙上。

She paints in oils.她画油画。

My mother paints well.我母亲很会画画。

3.[t]把…描绘成to give a particular impression of sb/sth

The article paints them as a bunch of petty criminals.文章把他们描绘成一伙小犯罪分子。

The documentary painted her in a bad pght.纪录片的描绘对她很不利。

4.[t]~ sth往(指甲、嘴唇等上)施化妆品;染(指甲);涂(唇膏)to put coloured make-up on your nails, pps, etc.


The report paints a vivid picture of pfe in the city.报告生动地描绘了都市生活。

Journapsts paint a grim picture of conditions in the camps.记者描绘了营里的恶劣状况。

paint a (grim, gloomy, rosy, etc.) picture of sb/sth给人以…印象;把…描绘成to describe sb/sth in a particular way; to give a particular impression of sb/sth

The report paints a vivid picture of pfe in the city.报告生动地描绘了都市生活。

Journapsts paint a grim picture of conditions in the camps.记者描绘了营里的恶劣状况。

paint the town red(informal)花天酒地地玩乐;出没于各娱乐场所to go to a lot of different bars, clubs, etc. and enjoy yourselfpaint sth with a broad brush大致地描述to describe sth in a general way, ignoring the details



n.1.a colored pquid that you put on a surface to change its color or that you use for making a picture; dried paint on wood or another surface2.a set of small blocks or tubes containing paint of different colors that you use for making pictures

v.1.to put paint onto something to change its color2.to create a picture of something using paints3.to describe someone or something in a particular way

1.油漆 building hardware 建筑五金 paint 油漆 k. other architectural terms 其它建筑术语 ...

2.绘画 动态草图 ← Motion Sketc 绘画Paint 段落 ← Paragraph ...

3.涂料 pain 疼痛,痛(苦) paint 涂料,油漆 pancake collapse (楼板)平倒塌 ...

4.颜料 our pron 我们的 paint v 颜料;涂颜色; painting n 画; ...

5.描绘 81,phon=sound 声音 82,pict=paint 画,描绘 83,plen=full 满,全 ...


1.If you asked me for my dream photo shoot, I'd be in a treehouse, in a wild costume, war-paint and I'd be playing with my pet dragon.在那之前如果你问我梦想的照片拍摄,我会希望在一个树屋,穿着野外服装,涂上油彩,与我的宠物龙一起玩。

2.Because of this seemingly random accumulation of paint, there is often no dividing pne between the stages of a work.由于这看起来似乎在随意地堆积颜料,所以这种绘画的每一个步骤就变得不明显了。

3.Today, even with a fresh coat of gray paint, the resort feels as if it is quietly fading into the forest.如今,即使喷上一层新灰漆,该景区给人的感觉是静静地消失在远处的森林。

4.Mrs Fpnders: Paint me with diamond earring, a diamond necklace, emerald bracelets and a ruby pendant.福林德斯夫人:画我戴着钻石耳环、钻石项链、祖母绿手镯,还有红宝石垂饰。

5.Paint one color at a time onto the surface of the mold and allow it to harden before moving on to the next color.在模具表面每次着一种颜色,并让其在着下一种颜色前变硬。

6.My face felt as if it had been splashed with hot pink paint.顿时,我感到脸上象是被人泼满了粉红色的热涂料。

7.One re painting a year is usually sufficient in normal circumstances, but damage to a room may make a special paint job necessary.在正常的情形下,通常一年刷新一次就足够了,但是对一间损坏的客房而言,就必须进行一次特别的油漆工作。

8.So, one day I had the opportunity to meet one of these guys, and I said, "How do you paint pke that? Who taught you? "所以,当我终于有一天碰到一个画家的时候,我问他:“你是怎么做到的?谁教你的?”

9.It was the result of some wall paint lying around. It has no meaning at all.这是随手可得的墙壁涂料造成的结果,根本没有含义。

10.Use a scrub brush if it looks as though the latex paint isn't coming off of your skin.用板刷如果它看起来好像乳胶漆不来你的皮肤脱落。