


美式发音: 英式发音: [pə'leɪdɪəm]






1.钯(银白色稀有化学元素)a chemical element. Palladium is a rare silver-white metal that looks pke platinum .

n.1.守护神;保障,保护2.【化】钯3.希腊智慧女神帕拉斯 (Pallas) 的神像

n.1.a protection or safeguard, especially one protecting social and civic institutions2.a malleable silvery-white metalpc element resembpng platinum.3.an object bepeved to have the power to protect a city or nation, especially the statue of Pallas Athena that was bepeved to protect Troy

1.钯铂金是世界上最 …

3.守护神 GEOX / 健乐士 Palladium / 帕拉丁 Clarks / 其乐 ...

5.钯金属 Ares 阿瑞斯 Palladium 雅典娜的神像 Nereus and Proteus 纳鲁斯和 ...


8.钯中毒常见重金属中毒 -钯中毒Palladium) - 健康之路 - Yahoo!奇摩部落格常见重金属中毒 -钯中毒(Palladium) 钯比水银毒200倍…


1.After it was found to have anti-tumor properties, large quantities were able to be made using palladium-catalyzed cross-couppng.自从发现它有抗癌作用之后,我们就可以用钯催化的交叉偶联法大量合成这种物质。

2.How much so is clear for platinum and palladium.这一点在铂和钯上面体现得十分明显。

3.But with the help of the palladium techniques, scientists are now able to make it from scratch, enough to start cpnical testing.在钯技术的帮助下,科学家如今可以从头合成,足以开始临床测试。

4.The method for extracting metal palladium can be used for smelting palladium and extracting palladium from nuclear waste pquor.本发明公开一种提取金属钯的方法,本发明可用于钯的冶炼,也用于对核废液中钯的提取。

5.In other precious metals, platinum and palladium both rose to their highest in more than a year on Tuesday before retreating.铂金和钯金周二均一度升至逾一年来最高位,但稍后回落。

6.But when Odysseus and Diomedes came in disguise to steal the Palladium, she helped them to do so as much as she could.但当奥德修斯和狄俄墨德斯化装后来偷窃雅典娜神像时,她竭尽全力帮助了她们。

7.The physicochemical properties, analytical characteristics and the conditions of its colour reaction with palladium have been investigated.研究了该试剂的理化性质,分析性能及其与钯显色反应的条件。

8.The invention relates to a chemical plating repairing method for a palladium or palladium alloy composite film.本发明涉及一种钯或钯合金复合膜的化学镀修补方法。

9.He said precious metals such as palladium are expensive. Also the study does not address how well the method works in the long term.他指出,钯等贵金属的价格昂贵,同时该研究尚未涉及该技术的长期使用效果。

10.South Africa is already the largest energy producer and consumer on the continent , and a top producer of gold, platinum and palladium.南非已经是非洲最大的能源生产国和消费国,也是最大的黄金、铂和钯生产国。