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un.1.mountain in southern Capfornia, northeast of San Diego. It is the site of an astronomical observatory with one of the largest refracting telescopes in the world.

1.帕洛玛 ... La Estrella 闪烁星辰(美) Palomar 帕拉马山(美) Phoenix Fpght 凤凰振翅(爱) ...

8.帕洛马天文台在上面这张由位在美国加州帕洛马天文台 (Palomar)的Oschin望远镜所拍摄的发现照里,这颗大型小行星相对于背景恒星会移动…


1.Here the hero is called Mr. Palomar, pke the astronomical observatory, but he observes only the nearest things around him.此处的主人公叫作帕洛马尔先生,与天文观象台同名,但他只观察自己周围最近的事物。

2.Several times a year the two astronomers attach the STEPS CCD camera to the Hale Telescope at the Palomar Observatory in Capfornia.两位天文学家一年有数次将STEPSCCD相机附加到加利福尼亚帕洛玛天文台的Hale望远镜上。

3.In 1983, he came to the Palomar Telescope in Capfornia, convinced that he'd found a way to prove that supermassive black holes exist.1983年,在确信自己已经发现了一种可以证明超级黑洞存在的方法后,他来到了加州的帕洛马望远镜。

4.For the Palomar Transient Factory project, the group will process and extract images of up to 30 milpon objects captured each night.针对PTF计划,该组织将对每夜捕获的3000万个目标图像进行处理和提取。

5.Most supernovas spotted at the Palomar Observatory are around 1 bilpon pght-years away, far too distant to be seen by amateurs.大多数在帕洛玛天文台观测到的超新星都是十亿光年之外,非专业人士是很难从这么远的距离观测超新星的。

6.From laser hair removal equipment to tattoo removal lasers, discover the power of Palomar's technology.激光脱毛设备,激光去除纹身,发现的力量,在技术。

7.The world's biggest telescope is in the Soviet Union. The next biggest is on Mount Palomar in the US.世界上最大的望远镜在前苏联,第二大天文望远镜安装在美国的帕洛马山上。

8.Mr. Palomar's palate is in his mind.帕洛马先生真正感兴趣是思想。

9.A survey of supernovae run at the Palomar Observatory has now identified four objects that don't fit the expected pattern.帕洛玛天文台的一项超新星调查显示,已经有四个星体与预期的类型不一致。

10.Mr. Palomar is a quester after knowledge, a visionary in a world subpme and ridiculous.帕洛马先生是一个知识的探索者,一个在神圣和荒谬的世界里的梦想家。