


美式发音: [ˈpænˌkeɪk] 英式发音: ['pæn.keɪk]




复数:pancakes  同义词

n.pancake ice



1.[c]烙饼;薄饼a thin flat round cake made from a mixture of flour, eggs and milk that is fried on both sides, usually eaten hot for breakfast in the US, and in Britain either as a dessert with sugar, jam, etc. or as a main course with meat, cheese, etc.

2.[u](尤指舞台化妆用的)粉饼thick make-up for the face, used especially in the theatre



n.1.a small round thick cake made by cooking a mixture of flour, eggs, and milk, usually eaten hot for breakfast2.a type of make-up that actors use

1.煎饼 spring roll 春卷 pancake 煎饼 fried dumppng 煎贴 ...

2.薄煎饼 pan n. 平底锅 pancake n. 薄煎饼 panda n. 熊猫 ...

3.薄烤饼 pass 传递 pancake 薄烤饼,平锅饼 pan 平底锅 ...

4.薄饼 炮糊 Stir-fried mutton 薄饼 Pancake 薄饼干 Crackers ...

5.烙饼 duck sauce 调味汁;酱油 pancake 薄煎饼;烙饼 roll 滚动;卷起 ...

6.松饼 panda n. (大)猫熊;(大)猫熊 pancake n. 烘饼;烤薄饼 pan v. 严厉批评 n.平底锅 ...


1.Robbie: Well, you've got to run up and down with us in the market holding a frying pan with a pancake in it and try to beat the other teams.罗比:你得手持煎锅,锅中盛块薄饼,和我们一起在市场来回跑,要跑得比其他队伍快。

2.They're upper-year students who look out for you and plan fun events. To combat the February blahs, my Don made us all a pancake breakfast!他们都是高年级的学生,会照顾你并且安排很好好玩的活动。二月份的时候,我的辅导员每天给我们做薄饼早餐!

3.I think I might be able to make a "box of chocolates" pancake. . . maybe a necklace too.我觉得我可能可以做“巧克力盒子”煎饼…或许也做个项链。

4.The seafood pancake taste a bit different when compare to what I had in New York.海鲜煎饼和我在纽约吃的不太一样。

5.I can't. I'm going to Orlando for a week on Friday. Some guy's attempting to make the world's biggest pancake. Guess who's covering it?不行,我周五要去奥兰多一星期。有个人要做世界上最大的煎饼。猜猜是由谁报道的?

6.Aunt just do eat or pancake fried potato to make more, let the children or uncle sent himself, sometimes.姨只要做好吃的或是烙饼炸油饼都要多做一些,让孩子或姨夫送去,有时自己亲自去。

7.The term "pancake people" is largely seen as a negative commentary on the current age of instantaneous information.在当前即时信息时代,“煎饼人”词程度上被看作是贬义词。

8.He turned the pancake over with a strong fpck of his wrist.他一抖腕子就把饼翻过来了。

9.Legend has it that on this day in 1445 a woman was late for church, ran to the service still holding a frying pan with a pancake.5年的这一天,一位妇女做礼拜迟到了,跑到教堂时手中还拿着盛有一张煎饼的煎锅。

10.In fact, old pancake mix has caused the death of at least one unsuspecting young person with an allergy to mold.实际上,过期的煎饼粉已经引起至少一个对霉过敏的年轻人死亡。