


美式发音: [ˈpænzi] 英式发音: ['pænzi]








1.三色堇;蝴蝶花a small garden plant with brightly coloured flowers

2.娘娘腔的男人,脂粉男子,男妖(对同性恋男人的蔑称)an offensive word for a homosexual man



v.1.〈美俚〉打扮 (up)

n.1.a small plant with large bright flowers2.an insulting word for a man who is weak or easily afraid; an offensive word for a gay man

1.何超琼 Page 佩奇,含义:孩子 Pansy 潘西,含义:三色堇 Parker 派克,含义:公园看守 ...

3.三色紫罗兰 palevioletred 苍紫罗蓝色 pansy 紫罗兰色 papayawhip 番木色 ...

5.潘西 Palmer 帕尔默 Pansy 潘西 Parker 帕克 ...

6.三色菫 矿紫 Mineral violet 三色堇紫 Pansy 锦葵紫 Mallow ...


1.He was one of those guys that think they're being a pansy if they don't break around forty of your fingers when they shake hands with you.他就是那种人,跟你握起手来要是不把你的指头捏断那么四十根,就会以为自己是娘儿腔。

2.We would hopefully be able to utipse that in some form of a joint venture with our partnership with Pansy.我们很有可能通过与何超琼合作,以某种合资企业形式利用这一点。

3.PANSY: So Jill was no longer a suspect . But what about your other clue--the mud outside and the spotless carpet inside?所以,Jill的嫌疑就被排除了。那么,你们发现的其他线索呢—窗外的泥土以及房间里干净的地毯?

4.KEN: Let me tell you about a recent case that I dealt with, Pansy.我来和你谈谈最近的接收的一件案子吧!

5.KEN: Let me tell you about a recent case that I deals with, Pansy.肯:潘西,让我给你讲一讲最近我处理的一个案子。

6.As Pansy's breathing became labored and her movements diminished, Rosie and Blossom sat with her, grooming her and watching her.随着潘茜的呼吸越来越吃力,走动越来越少,罗茜和布罗森坐在她的旁边一边梳理她的毛一边看着她。

7.We held a meeting after school. Pansy, Tony, Joyce, Milpe and I were at the meeting.放学后我们举行了一次会议,参与会议的同学有潘姿,托尼,乔伊斯,米莉以及我。

8.Pansy is also an STDM director and managing director of Shun Tak, putting her at the centre of her father's corporate web of companies.何超琼还担任着澳门旅游娱乐的董事和信德集团的董事总经理,这让她处于其父企业网络的中心地位。

9.I ask the Minister of Ethnic Affairs Pansy Wong to stand up for the ethnic communities.请少数民族事务部黄部长为少数族裔利益挺身而出。

10.Pansy So Jill was no longer a suspect.所以吉尔不再是嫌疑犯了