


美式发音: [ˈpeɪpərˌwɜrk] 英式发音: [ˈpeɪpə(r)ˌwɜː(r)k]







1.文书工作the written work that is part of a job, such as filpng in forms or writing letters and reports

We're trying to cut down on the amount of paperwork involved.我们正在努力降低相关的文书工作量。

2.(诉讼案件、购置房产等所需的)全部文件,全部资料all the documents that you need for sth, such as a court case or buying a house

How quickly can you prepare the paperwork?你要多久才能把全部文件备好?


n.1.the part of a job that involves producing reports, keeping records, and writing letters2.the documents that you need for a particular activity or occasion

1.文书工作 shift cue 换景变化 Paperwork 文书工作 Performance Log 表演日志 ...

2.日常文书工作 paper n. 纸;报纸 paperwork n. 日常文书工作 paragraph n. (文章的)段落 ...

3.文件 pile n. 堆,叠,摞 paperwork n. 资料,文件 trial n. 审判,审理 ...

4.文书作业(PMIS)、组织重组、行政/立法部门关系之改革、文书作业paperwork)及资讯蒐集(information collect)简化、顾客 …

5.纸上作业 ... 6. fire escape: 防火梯;安全出口 7. paperwork: 文书工作;纸上作业 2. the odds: 可能性,机会 ...

6.书面作业 7. red tape n. 繁文缛节,官样文章,拖拉费时的繁琐手续 8. paperwork n. 规划工作;书面作业 4. real estate【 律】不动产 ...

7.规划工作 7. red tape n. 繁文缛节,官样文章,拖拉费时的繁琐手续 8. paperwork n. 规划工作;书面作业 4. real estate【 律】不动产 ...


1.He did not declare any next of kin or relations in all his official documents, including his Bank deposit paperwork.但他没有宣布任何近亲或关系在他的所有正式文件,包括他的银行存款的文件。

2.The association is now trying to turn the mountain of paperwork that accompanies air freight into electronic form, too.该协会还正尝试把伴随航空货运的如山的文书工作转化为电子表格。

3.In this step, the embassy to which he submits the paperwork will choose a service provider, whose job it is to process the verification.在此步骤中,向其提供书面材料的大使馆将选择服务提供商,其工作是处理验证。

4.WHEN at last you deal with all that long-overdue paperwork, a bit of peace and quiet helps.当你最后还是要应对那些迟到很久的问题时,一点点的平静和从容会有所帮助。

5.We don't want that. She could still come in as often as she wants and do her personal paperwork, banking, letter-writing, reading, etc.那不是我们想要的。她如果愿意,还是可以经常过来公司,做他个人的文书工作,财务管理,信件编写,阅读等等。

6.It's not easy to prove that an executive intended to deceive shareholders rather than just engaged in sloppy paperwork, say lawyers.律师表示,要证实一位经理是预谋欺骗股东并不是件容易的事,那不只是拼拼凑凑的纸上作业。

7.Thing is, Mr Scofield is not our problem anymore. Seems there was an error in his paperwork. He's going to be transferred after all.先生已经不会再成为我们的问题了。他的文件了出了点错误,仍将被转狱。

8.Nick tells her that finding something in all this paperwork will take forever, that it's pkely just a waste of time.Nick说,要想从这些文书中找到线索得花好长一段时间,很有可能只是浪费时间。

9.GM filed paperwork for its IPO just over a year after emerging from a government-sponsored restructuring in bankruptcy.通用递交公开募股文件仅在一年前在,当时正是破产时接受政府的捐赠重建。

10.Maintains, creates and routes all administrative paperwork related to or to be distributed by the Materials Department.完善、建立、分送所有与物料部有关或由物料部分发的相关文档。