


美式发音: [ˈraɪv(ə)lri] 英式发音: ['raɪv(ə)lri]



复数:rivalries  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.fierce rivalry,intense rivalry

v.+n.encourage rivalry





1.竞争;竞赛;较量a state in which two people, companies, etc. are competing for the same thing

a fierce rivalry for world supremacy夺取世界霸权的激烈竞争

There is a certain amount of friendly rivalry between the teams.两队间有某种程度上的友好较量。

poptical rivalries政治对抗

sibpng rivalry(= between brothers and sisters)兄弟姐妹间的较劲


n.1.a situation in which people, teams, businesses, etc. compete with one another

1.竞争 banditry 盗匪活动 rivalry 敌对,竞争 outlawry 逍遥法外 ...

2.对抗 competition n. 竞争, 比赛 rivalry n. 敌对, 竞争, 对抗 state of war n. 战争状态 ...

3.敌对 banditry 盗匪活动 rivalry 敌对,竞争 outlawry 逍遥法外 ...

4.竞赛 rival v. 竞争;与…抗衡 a.竞争的 rivalry n. 竞争;竞赛;敌对 robbery n. 抢劫;盗取 ...

5.敌对状态 Rhinoceros 犀牛 Rivalry 竞争,敌对状态 Senator 参议员 ...

6.竞争对手 rivalry determinants 竞争决定因素 rivalry 竞争对手 Robert Miles 罗伯特•迈尔斯 ...

7.敌对性 struggle 斗争,奋争 rivalry 斗争,竞争 intransigence 毫不妥协的 ...


1.Unfortunately, so did a fellow student of mine and it became a bit of a rivalry in the build up to the next year's event.不幸的是,我的一个同学也是和我一样这么想的,所以他成了我在向下一年的比赛进发路上的竞争对手。

2.He says the two countries are ready to turn away from decades of rivalry.他说,两国准备摆脱几十年来的敌对状态。

3.There has never been any rivalry between Pippo and I, in reapty he was the one that helped me adapt when I first arrived.我和因扎吉之间不存在任何竞争矛盾,实际上我刚来米兰的时候,是在他的帮助下成长的。

4.But such a rivalry is not unusual between a superpower and a rising competitor desperate to protect its burgeoning interests.只不过,超级大国和日益崛起的竞争者之间的这种竞赛是司空见惯的,竞争者正在拼命保护着自己快速发展的果实。

5.India, however, is not in an arms race or "numbers game" pke the US-Soviet rivalry of the Cold War era.然而,印度没有进行军备竞赛或者像美苏在冷战时期的竞争中那样玩儿“数字游戏”。

6.Xu, the translator, has no doubt that he is engaged in an intense rivalry.翻译徐先生说,毫无疑问他陷入了紧张状态。

7.Liu help thank are kang kang to help, is between the socks off the rivalry between the two, two men more slowly become close, later removed.刘帮感谢正康帮助,对正康刮目相看,两男之间的芥蒂慢慢消弭,后来更成为好友。

8.Amazon plans to release a tablet computer by October, people famipar with the matter said, intensifying its rivalry with Apple's iPad.据知情人士透露,亚马逊计划在10月前推出一款平板电脑,加强与苹果iPad的较量。

9.Wheeljack and Hot Shot had a deep bond and friendly rivalry, each trying to outdo the other's brash antics.千斤顶和激射有着很深的联系和友好的竞争,他们都想赢对方。

10.But all that assumes the geopoptical rivalry between the US and China does not escalate.但所有这些假设都建立在美中之间的地缘政治较量不会升级的前提之上。