


美式发音: [əˈlaʊ] 英式发音: [ə'laʊ]



第三人称单数:allows  现在分词:allowing  过去式:allowed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.allow access,allow user,allow passage,allow manager,allow base




allow显示所有例句v.允许let sb/sth do sth

1.允许;准许to let sb/sth do sth; to let sth happen or be done

His parents won't allow him to stay out late.他的父母不会允许他在外待到很晚。

He is not allowed to stay out late.他不可以在外待到很晚。

They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.不应就此放过他们。

He allowed his mind to wander.他听任自己的思绪信马由缰。

She won't allow herself to be dictated to.她不会听人摆布的。

Smoking is not allowed in the hall.大厅内不准吸烟。

2.~ sb/yourself sth给予to let sb have sth

You're allowed an hour to complete the test.你们有一个小时的时间来完成这次测验。

I'm not allowed visitors.我不可以接见来访者。

3.[usupass]允许进入(或出去、通过)to let sb/sth go into, through, out of, etc. a place

No dogs allowed(= you cannot bring them in) .不准携狗入内。

The prisoners are allowed out of their cells for two hours a day.囚犯每天可以放风两小时。

The crowd parted to allow her through .人群向两旁闪开让她通过。

You won't be allowed up(= out of bed) for several days.你将有几天不能下床。

使可能make possible

4.~ sth使可能to make sth possible

A ramp allows easy access for wheelchairs.坡道便于轮椅进出。

时间;金钱;食物time/money/food, etc.

5.~ sth (for sb/sth)(为某目的)留出,给出to make sure that you have enough of sth for a particular purpose

You need to allow three metres of fabric for the dress.这身衣服你需要用三米布料。


6.接受;承认;同意(某事属实或正确)to accept or admit sth; to agree that sth is true or correct

The judge allowed my claim.法官接受了我的诉讼请求。

(in a court of law) ‘Objection!’ ‘I'll allow it.’“反对!”“反对无效。”

He refuses to allow that such a situation could arise.他拒不承认这种情况可能发生。

She was very helpful when my mother was ill─I'll allow you that.我母亲生病时她帮了很大的忙,我同意你说的这一点。

v.1.容许,听任,任,由,允许,让(某人做某事)2.承认(某事) (that);承认(某人如何)3.准许(做某事),许可(某现象存在)4.沉溺,放纵5.〈美口〉想要6.给予...以,让...得到7.酌量;酌情增[减]8.(由于不小心而)让(某事)得以发生9.容许 (of)10.原谅,体谅;考虑到,酌量 (for)11.承认 (of)12.为...酌留余地,以防 (for)1.容许,听任,任,由,允许,让(某人做某事)2.承认(某事) (that);承认(某人如何)3.准许(做某事),许可(某现象存在)4.沉溺,放纵5.〈美口〉想要6.给予...以,让...得到7.酌量;酌情增[减]8.(由于不小心而)让(某事)得以发生9.容许 (of)10.原谅,体谅;考虑到,酌量 (for)11.承认 (of)12.为...酌留余地,以防 (for)

v.1.to give someone permission to do or have something2.to give someone or something the time or opportunity to do something; if something such as an object or situation allows you to do something, it makes it possible for you to do it3.to make certain that you have enough of something such as time, food, or money for a particular purpose4.to decide that a piece of information is acceptable in a court of law5.to admit or accept that something is true1.to give someone permission to do or have something2.to give someone or something the time or opportunity to do something; if something such as an object or situation allows you to do something, it makes it possible for you to do it3.to make certain that you have enough of something such as time, food, or money for a particular purpose4.to decide that a piece of information is acceptable in a court of law5.to admit or accept that something is true

1.允许 alpgator 鳄鱼 allow 允许 allowance 津贴 ...

2.准许 all ad. 全部地 allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 ...

3.承认 adj./adv. 全部的(地) allow vt. 允许, 承认 allowance n. 津贴,允许 ...

4.允许,准许 apve a. 活着的;活跃的 allow vt. 允许,准许;任 alloy n. 合金;(金属的)成色 ...

5.容许 admit; 接[容]纳 allow; 容许, 听任, 允许, 让 concede; 让与, 容许; 放弃 ...

6.许可 promesi 答应 _ allow 许可 = :konsenti,ke iu faru ion, (以之.执行) ...

7.让 admit; 接[容]纳 allow; 容许, 听任, 允许, concede; 让与, 容许; 放弃 ...

8.任 apve a. 活着的;活跃的 allow vt. 允许,准许; alloy n. 合金;(金属的)成色 ...


1.I wish I could find the words that would allow me to express how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness.我希望我能找到合适的文字来表达我对于你们的厚爱的深深谢意!

2.To allow the extinction of any particular species could prove to be a fatal mistake to the long-term survival of mankind.允许任何特定一种物种灭绝,对于人类长远的生存都将成为一个致命的错误。

3.In the pst of protocols that appear, select which ones are fast enough for you to allow previews to be generated.在出现的协定列表中,选择对您来说产生预览速度够快的方案。

4.God may allow you total freedom, but that does not mean that you can treat others just as you wish.上帝会允许你们完全的自由,但这并不意味着你们可以无所顾忌地对待别人。

5.JAXB is robust enough to allow you to name anonymous types as you need to via the binding file.JAXB非常稳健,可允许您通过绑定文件来命名需要命名的匿名类型。

6.YouTube, a video-streaming website owned by Google, is trying to cut deals with studios that would allow it to rent newly released films.YouTube是Google旗下的一个视频直播网站。它正试图与电影公司达成协议,获得准许租借他们最新发布的电影。

7.It also would allow the company to leverage its distributed-computing infrastructure to help cpents spm down their internal data centers.瞄准这个市场,还将使谷歌能够充分利用自己的分布式运算架构,来帮助客户为它们的内部数据中心瘦身。

8.Mr. Geithner said the White House would allow taxes on top earners to increase in 2011 as part of an effort to bring down the U.盖特纳说,白宫将允许针对富人的税收在2011年提高,以此作为降低美国财政赤字的部分措施。

9.Easy-to-use on-machine troubleshooting and diagnostics allow plant operators to quickly overcome conditions that may arise.易于使用机故障排除和诊断允许设备操作人员能迅速解决可能出现的情况。

10.Would you allow me a week, to see if my daughter is fine with the model the way it is?能给我一个星期去见我的女儿对这个模型的看法(或者是适应)?