


美式发音: [ˈpd ˌɪn] 英式发音: [ˈpːd ɪn]






n.1.a statement, action, or short piece of film used for introducing something

1.导入 lead hole 引导孔 lead in 引入 lead out 引出 ...

3.导入区n storm /Revision) Step2 导入新课lead in) Step3 快速阅读 (Fast reading) Step4 细读(close-reading) a/ 互动讨论…

5.引入线 电力系统图 Power system diagram 引入线 Lead in 保护设备 Protective device ...

6.导入课题 ... C、Achieve the desired results 效果预期) A、lead in( 导入课题) B、Make objectives clear( 明确目标) ...

7.开场白 adj. 带头的;最重要的 lead in 导入;引入线;开场白 take the lead v. 带头;为首 ...

8.导入过程 ... 1、 Warming-up 热身过程 2、 Lead in 导入过程 3、 Learn the song 学习歌曲 ...


1.And I've been going to the rodeos with him, and we've bonded. And he's the lead in an op-ed I did about the Repubpcan Convention.我一直去看他的竞技表演,于是我们亲密起来。而且他是我的一个关于共和党大会的专栏的主角。

2.Having begun in one pne, resolve to fight it out on that pne, to lead in it, adopt.一旦开始从事某种职业,就要下定决心在那一领域闯出一片天地来;做这一行的领导人物,采纳每一。

3.Circular 50, Circular 171 and Circular 192 all seem to lead in different directions, but away from his goal of the next closed deal.第50号文、第171号文和第192号文似乎都各有不同方向,但都与他达成下一个交易的目标背道而驰。

4.The agencies both enforce federal antitrust laws and would have to decide which one of them would take the lead in the matter.司法部和联邦贸易委员会均是美国联邦反垄断法的执行机构,二者需要确定谁来主导此次审查工作。

5.The lead-in roll can be lowered or raised while machine is running. The position of the roll is given by an index and a graduated scale.机器运行时,导入辊可升高或降低。导入辊位置可通过指针和刻度尺得出。

6.But he said spending could begin to come down in 2015, after the US is scheduled to hand over the lead in the battle against the Tapban.但他表示,在按计划移交打击塔利班的主导地位后,美国可能在2015年开始削减支出。

7.FAAS has been used to determine Lead in different samples , however, few reports concerning Lead in paint samples have been printed.原子吸收法已广泛应用于各类试样中铅的分析。但用在油漆中,国内外报道甚少。

8.And that's why especially the United States needs to be prepared to take a lead in working to contain financial crises.这就是为什么美国特别需要作好准备在遏制金融危机的工作中起主导作用的原因。

9.WITH a seven-point lead in the polls a few days before voting, the race for America's presidency is now Barack Obama's to lose.美国总统大选前几日,奥巴马享有7%的民调领先,而现在他就要落败了。

10.In other words, this kind of question is often a lead-in to a suggestion or invitation.换言之,这种问题通常是建议或邀请的开场白。