

paradigm shift

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1.范式转移(指行事或思维方式的重大变化)a great and important change in the way sth is done or thought about

n.1.a basic change in ideas or methods

1.范式转换的科学史家库恩(Thomas S. Kuhn)的“范式转换”(paradigm-shift)的观念运用到了文化和宗教领域;二是卡曾思(Ewert Cous…

2.典范转移 癫痫(症) EPILEPSY 典范转移;模式转移 PARADIGM-SHIFT 典乐 TIEN Y?EH ...

3.典范移转 癫痫(症) EPILEPSY 典范转移;模式转移 PARADIGM-SHIFT 典乐 TIEN Y?EH ...


1.Agile development is often presented as an abrupt paradigm shift -- a scary proposition for many companies.敏捷开发经常以范式转换的方式出现——对很多公司来说是一个令人恐慌的建议。

2.It would have been a year that redefines many economic and financial practices, a very real and painful paradigm shift.在这一年里我们重新定义了许多经济和金融惯例,引发了一个真实而又痛苦的模式转变。

3.Lonergan's concept of economics differs radically from that of contemporary economists and represent a major paradigm shift.龙纳根的经济学概念,完全不同于当代经济学家认为,代表了重大改变。

4.Canon reps told us that this camera represents a paradigm shift, where the content is separated from its media.佳能的销售代表告诉我们:这台摄像机是一个划时代的转变,其内容和媒体完全分开。

5.A "paradigm shift occurred" from the center of the American poptical spectrum, and Obama has embraced it, he said.他还说,从美国政坛的中心“出现了格局转移”,而奥巴马总统对此表示欢迎。

6.It was what he said as opposed to how he said it-another paradigm shift for the genre.他说了什么相对于他如何说—对于风格来说的另一个范例式的转变。

7.As Hans Kung has pointed out, this is an age of "paradigm shift" for the awakening of a global consciousness.正如孔汉思所指出的,我们今日要面对的是一个「典范转移」的大时代。

8.He illustrated an international paradigm shift; he did not create it.他勾画出了一个国际范例转变,但是并没有能创造一个。

9.Unpke many other economists, Summers does not bepeve that lower growth is the inevitable price of this economic paradigm shift.萨默斯不像其他众多经济学家,他不认为增长减速是这一经济范式转变不可避免的代价。

10.The CEO of a major computer software manufacture announced a paradigm shift to his executives today.一家大型软件生产商的总裁今天宣布要对其管理人员进行改组。