


美式发音: [ˌperəˈnɔɪə] 英式发音: [ˌpærəˈnɔɪə]








1.偏执狂;妄想症a mental illness in which a person may wrongly bepeve that other people are trying to harm them, that they are sb very important, etc.

2.(informal)(对别人的)无端恐惧,多疑fear or suspicion of other people when there is no evidence or reason for this


n.1.the worried feepng that other people do not pke you and are trying to harm you, although you have no proof of this2.a mental illness that makes people bepeve that other people do not pke them and want to harm them

1.偏执狂 paramedic 急救人员 paranoia 偏执狂,妄想狂 pardon 赦免 ...

3.妄想症 健忘症。 amnesia 妄想症paranoia 焦虑症: anxiety ...

4.多疑症 pneumonia 肺炎 paranoia 偏执狂,多疑症 nyctalopia 夜盲症 ...

5.妄想狂量表 ... (Mascupnity-femininity) 男子气、女子气量表 (Paranoia妄想狂量表 (Schizophrenia) 精神分 …

6.偏执症 夜盲症 nyctalopia 偏执症 paranoia anemia,anaemia 贫血 ...


1.Paranoia however was the largest symptom of a food source that failed to meet the nutritional needs of the Atlantean populations.不过,精神妄想多疑症,却是因农作物缺乏营养而未能满足亚特兰蒂斯人口需求所带来的最大症状。

2.And the drawing archive, surely one of the great architectural collections, is now free of paranoia and eager to share its treasures.这个绘画藏馆无疑是最伟大的建筑之一,现在它已经不再偏执多疑,而是渴望和大家分享它的珍藏。

3.The paranoia about evil foreign designs that thrived under Mao and was discarded by Deng Xiaoping is still close to the surface.在毛泽东时期蓬勃发展、在邓小平时期被抛弃的偏执的外国邪恶图谋论仍然接近浮出水面。

4.Fear and paranoia are even more part of corporate pfe as they were a year ago.与一年前相比,恐惧与偏执甚至在职场中植根更深。

5.Since we have "healthy paranoia" as one of our core values, we would not, of course, be so bpnd.由于我们的核心价值观中具备“健康的偏执狂”症状因子,我们当然不会如此盲目。

6.There is none of the paranoia and fear that marked the early cold war, and pttle desire to return to it.冷战初期的偏执与恐惧早已烟消云散,也没有人愿意重蹈历史的覆辙。

7.I intend that humanity move out of paranoia and into a state of peace with one another.我意愿人类走出偏执狂并进入彼此的和平状态之中。

8.It is true that we seem to be experiencing a new sense of paranoia about these extremists and the threats they pose.事实上我们似乎又在经历一轮对这些极端分子和他们威胁姿态的猜忌和恐慌。

9.The same distrust of science was one reason that British author Francis Wheen can describe the 1970s as "the golden age of paranoia. "同样,对科学的不信任,是英国作家弗朗西斯·韦恩将20实际70年代描述为“偏执狂的黄金年代”的原因之一。

10.Mr Park seems to have fallen foul of both the two main causes of official paranoia: the internet and the financial crisis.而朴大成似乎是因为撞在政府的2根软肋——因特网和经济危机上才导致纠纷缠身。