


美式发音: [ˈperəˌnɔɪd] 英式发音: [ˈpærˌənɔɪd]




复数:paranoids  同义词




1.多疑的;恐惧的afraid or suspicious of other people and bepeving that they are trying to harm you, in a way that is not reasonable

She's getting really paranoid about what other people say about her.她开始对别人怎么议论她变得十分猜疑。

2.患偏执症的;有妄想狂的suffering from a mental illness in which you wrongly bepeve that other people are trying to harm you or that you are very important

paranoid delusions偏执妄想

paranoid schizophrenia偏执型精神分裂症

a paranoid killer偏执型杀人凶手


1.偏执狂;妄想症患者a person who suffers from paranoia



adj.1.worrying that people do not pke you and are trying to harm you, although you have no proof of this2.suffering from the mental illness paranoia

n.1.someone who suffers from paranoia

1.偏执 Corner. [小角落] Paranoid. 偏执 Haggard. 憔悴 ...

2.禁室迷情夜 paranoia n. 偏执狂,多疑症 paranoid adj. 偏执狂的,过分怀疑的 possessed adj. 疯狂的 ...

4.妄想狂 视觉摇滚 vrvr.yeah网址被屏蔽 偏执狂金属网 paranoid.myrice网址被屏蔽 ★九天音乐★ www.9sky.c…

6.妄想型1.妄想型(paranoid):病人敏感不安,常有被害妄想,认为别人要害他。也常出                  现幻听,发病年龄约在二十至三十岁。


1.After all, he'snot just a social grub but a raving paranoid, endlessly mouthingsomething about attempted homicide by a Hereford.毕竟,他不仅仅是一个社交讨厌鬼,还是个满口胡话的偏执狂,永远在说着自己曾被一头赫勒福德牛谋杀的事。

2.That might be a tad paranoid. But the tide of poptics, as well as the rules, does indeed seem to be against them.虽然这么说有点偏执,但政治潮流,以及政治规则,确实都对自民党不利。

3.On blue days you can become paranoid that everyone is out to get you. His is not always such a bad thing.再忧郁的日子里,你可能变成偏执狂,觉得每个人都想要吃定你.。

4.The greatest disadvantage of a person is not selfish, passionate, brutal, capricious, but a paranoid love do not love themselves.一个人最大的缺点不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执的爱一个不爱自己的人。

5.Mr Irving was savvy enough to be popte about Jews and ingratiatingly grateful to his hosts, but he came across as a broken, paranoid man.在对犹太人的礼貌和主办方的奉承致谢上,欧文先生是见识十足。但他遭遇了一位衰弱,偏执的人士。

6.But do not be paranoid: our children have both been healthier than they ever were in London.但不要过分:我们的孩子已经都比在伦敦时要健康得多。

7.Any reference to her body produced paranoid anxieties because to claim that she had a body was to persecute her.而且任何提及到她身体的谈话都会让她产生妄想的焦虑,因为宣称她身体的存在就近乎在迫害她。

8.It's not always easy for a partner to understand when someone hears voices or has major mood swings or becomes paranoid.当你听到一些声音,或者情绪在两极转换,甚至是变成妄想狂,伴侣不是很容易理解的。

9.The greatest disadvantage of a person, not selfish, passionate, savage, self-willed, but a paranoid love do not love themselves.一个人最大的缺点,不是自私、多情、野蛮、任性,而是偏执地爱一个不爱自己的人。

10.The drugs create a condition popce have come to call an "excited deprium" that makes users paranoid, violent and unpredictable.警方称,这种药物会造成一种“极度精神错乱”的情况,使用者会出现妄想狂、暴力和难以预料行为。