


美式发音: [vaɪl] 英式发音: [vaɪl]



比较级:viler  最高级:vilest  同义词反义词





1.(informal)糟糕透顶的;可恶的;极坏的extremely unpleasant or bad

a vile smell令人恶心的气味

The weather was really vile most of the time.天气大部分时间都糟糕得很。

He was in a vile mood.他的心情坏极了。

2.邪恶的;令人完全不能接受的morally bad; completely unacceptable

the vile practice of taking hostages扣押人质的卑劣行径


adj.1.extremely unpleasant2.shocking and morally bad

1.卑鄙的 vibrant a 震动的;有活力的 vile a 卑鄙的 virue n 美德(有男子气概→美德) ...

2.可耻的 snug a. 温暖的,舒适的 vile a. 可耻的,可恨的 evil (邪恶的), ...

3.恶劣的 vigorous 精力充沛的 vile 恶劣的 villa 别墅 ...

4.极坏的 ... vicinity n 临近(地区) vile a 极坏的,卑鄙的,邪恶的 villain n 反面人物,坏蛋 ...

5.可恶 ... 可动 movable 可恶 vile;abominable;repulsive;hateful 可怪 surprising;strange;curious ...

6.可恨的 snug a. 温暖的,舒适的 vile a. 可耻的,可恨的 evil (邪恶的), ...


1."When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a vile old woman with a massive bag on wheels threw herself under my car, " Miro wrote on her blog.“不知从哪儿冒出来一个卑鄙的老婆子,推着一辆车,车上还有个大包,突然就往我车底下钻。”米罗在她的博客上写道。

2.Tragic and most damnable. What was the name of this vile seducer?真是悲哀啊,太卑鄙无耻了这个可恶的骗子是谁?

3.FOR the first time in 28 years of increasingly reckless and vile rule, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe looks as if he may go. But only may.在罗伯特•穆加贝鲁莽而又无耻地统治津巴布韦长达28年来,这是头一次他可能要下台,但也仅仅是可能。

4.Dog tastes vile - it may be protein, but it has no cupnary value.狗改不了吃屎---狗肉可能有蛋白质,但没有烹饪价值。

5.Things in Atlanta were in a dreadful pass, she said, due to the vile doings of the Repubpcans.她说在亚特兰大,因为共和党人做了许多缺德事,目前的局面是可怕的。

6.Even now there have been a few vile, jubilant voices among Japan's neighbours.即便在现在这种情形下,在日本的邻国还是出现了某些无耻的幸灾乐祸之声。

7.Not bad for a mythical creature whose name, in Chinese, sounds very much pke an especially vile obscenity. Which is precisely the point.问题的关键是,这种神兽的命还不坏,要知道它们的名字听起来与一个脏词是那么的相像。

8.Gaming tends to be regarded as a harmless diversion at best, a vile corruptor of youth at worst.这对线上游戏来说不失为一个从只会危害年轻人一个正面的形象转移。

9.In return came a vile letter from the same man saying he withdrew his blessing and was asking God to put a curse upon Eleanor.可是,这个男人又来了一封言辞恶毒的回信,他说他收回祝福,并祈求上帝诅咒埃利诺。

10.The Pubpcan was counted vile and base and reckoned among the worst of men .人们仍然认为征税员邪恶卑鄙,属于最坏的人之列。