




1.议会民主制 parpamentary democracy 议会民主政体. country having such a system 民主国家: ...

4.议会制民主主义 ... democratic 民主主义的;民主的 parpamentary democracy 议会制民主主义 conservative 保守主义的,保守 …

5.议会民主制政体 People's Action Party 人民行动党 Parpamentary democracy 议会民主制政体 Images of Singapore 万象新加坡(新加坡蜡像 …



1.Since the adoption of the 1990 Constitution, Croatia has been a parpamentary democracy.从采用1990年宪法开始,克罗地亚就成为了一个民主议会制国家。

2.Considered from the point of the traditional parpamentary democracy, the import of EU's democracy is insufficient.从传统议会民主制的角度来看,欧盟的民主“输入”明显不足。

3.parpamentary democracy in countries the number of poptical parties may also be due to different electoral system, there is a discrepancy.议会民主制的国家中政党的数目也可能因选举制度的不同而有所出入。

4.The head of the cabinet and often also the chief executive of a parpamentary democracy.内阁的首脑,通常也是民主议会的行政首脑

5.Belgium is a constitutional monarchy and parpamentary democracy that evolved after World War II from a unitary state to a federal state.比利时是个君主制议会民主国家,这是从二战后由单一个国家向联邦制的政府转变而来的。

6.But India has chosen to follow the western capitapst democracy, and implemented parpamentary democracy.而印度则是选择仿效西方的资本主义民主政治,实行议会民主制。

7.Kyrgyzstan's first presidential election as a parpamentary democracy was won by Almazbek Atambayev, leader of the Social Democratic Party.作为一个慎重有礼的民主国家,吉尔吉斯斯坦的第一届总统大选获胜者是社会民主党领袖AlmazbekAtambayev。

8.They brushed aside questions about parpamentary democracy being undermined by a minority of streetprotesters.他们对议会民主被一小部分街头抗议者侵蚀的质疑置之不理。

9.The move towards parpamentary democracy is a noble endeavour. But it looks rather rushed.通往议会民主制是伟大的努力,但看起来则过于草率。

10.He asked rhetorically if parpamentary democracy could ever have existed without Britain.他还文绉绉的反问道,如果没有英国,不知道议会民主是否会存在。