



美式发音: [pɑrs] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)z]



第三人称单数:parses  现在分词:parsing  过去式:parsed  同义词

v.analyse,describe,break down,explain,construe



v.1.to examine and describe the grammar of a sentence or a particular word in a sentence

1.解析器进行解析,当这个网页首次被访问时,它就会被解析器解析(Parsed)、编译(Compiled),并缓存在前端 Web 服务器(Front-…

2.分析 servers= 伺服器 parsed= 剖析 Disabpng= 使 ...

7.已析XML 文件由称为实体的存储单元组成,实体可以包含已析parsed)数据或未析(unparsed)数据。已析数据由字符组成,其 …


1.For very large parsed documents, such a two-step approach might be inefficient, but I find it easier to understand code written this way.对于特别大的被解析的文档来说,这种两步方法可能是低效的,但是我发现这样更容易理解编写的代码。

2.You then pass these methods (in the form of a handler) to the parser, along with a document to be parsed.然后您将这些方法(以处理程序的形式)以及要解析的文档一起传递给解析器。

3.Second, the language has been designed to be easy to analyze and can be parsed without a symbol table.第二,设计的容易理解和不需要一个解析符号表。

4.Unless otherwise noted, the number of characters parsed may be from zero to the implementation-defined maximum length of a counted string.除非另外注明,被分析的字元的数量可以从零到实作自订的一个计数字串的最大长度。

5.In a bit of Perl shorthand, the array of field names and the array of parsed fields is combined into a hash.通过一点Perl技巧,字段名数组和已解析字段数组被合并到一个哈希中。

6.The syntax depends on the data provider, and the connection string is parsed during the attempt to open a connection.此语法会因资料提供者而不同,而且连接字串会在尝试开启连接期间进行剖析。

7.This chain of dependencies can quickly run into a large number of plugin. xml files to be parsed starting from the user-selected plug-in.从用户选择的插件开始,这个依赖链可以迅速导致有很多个plugin.xml文件需要进行分析。

8.The XML response cannot be sent directly to the user; it needs to be parsed in a way that the user can read.XML响应不能直接发送给用户;需要以用户可以理解的方式来解析它。

9.Contrast this to HTML parsing which has always been asynchronous so that parts of the document become available as they're parsed.对比XML解析与HTML解析,后者一直都是异步的,这样文档的各个部分在解析后就可以使用了。

10.Check to see that the document was successfully parsed.用于检测该文档是否被正确地解析。