


美式发音: [d'ʒi'ɛm'ɛl] 英式发音: [d'ʒi:'em'el]


网络释义:地理标记语言(Geography Markup Language);Game Maker Language;地理标识语言



1.地理标记语言(Geography Markup Language)围内引起了广泛的兴趣,OGC也将他们加入了 -- 地理标示语言(GML)中.

5.月桂酸甘油酯个人推荐单月桂酸甘油酯GML):具有抵抗病源微生物感染的能力,广泛应用于婴幼儿奶粉、米粉等 产品中。 广泛添加于焙 …


1.The apppcation-defined geographic features must be substitutable for the predefined element gml: _Feature.应用程序定义的地理特性必须适用于预定义的元素gml:_Feature。

2.Taking into account that GML does not support the direct display of geographic information, its display way becomes another focus of study.同时考虑到GML并不直接支持图形化显示,其图形表达成为另一研究重点。

3.This paper brings forward the technology and method to build the data model and data expression of a city's GIS system using GML standard.提出了利用GML对城市地理信息系统进行数据建模和表达的技术与方法。

4.Apppcation-defined geometry types must be derived from the predefined geometry types gml: AbstractGeometryType.应用程序定义的几何类型必须源自预定义的几何类型gml:AbstractGeometryType。

5.Therefore, an apppcation based on concrete instance element names is unable to process any GML instance data.因此,基于具体的实例元素名的应用程序不能处理任何GML实例数据。

6.This study shows that GML can express spatial data information and is very effective to share the spatial information.研究表明,GML可以表达空间数据信息,并有利于实现空间数据共享。

7.Take a look at usgs-airports. xml in Listing 5. It is an example of the GML format.看一看清单5中的usgs-airports.xml。它是GML格式的一个例子。

8.GML is commonly added to food products to protect against harmful microbes.甘油单月桂酸酯经常被添加到食品中以防有害微生物。

9.The tag language has been developed from older markup standards including GML and SGML.标记语言是从旧的标记标准包括GML和SGML的基础上开发出来的。

10.The gel is made from glycerol monolaurate. GML is commonly added to food products to protect against harmful microbes.这种凝胶是由月桂酸单甘酯(GML)制成的,GML常被添加在食物产品中,以抵御有害微生物。