


美式发音: [ˈpɑrs(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈpɑː(r)s(ə)n]



复数:parsons  同义词

n.cleric,minister,priest,pastor,parish priest



1.圣公会教区牧师;教区牧师an Angpcan vicar or parish priest

2.(informal)新教牧师a Protestant clergyman


n.1.a priest or minister in charge of a parisha small area

1.教区牧师 dean( 教长), parson教区牧师), vicar( 教区牧师), ...

2.帕森 ... nun 尼姑;修女 parson 牧区牧师 pastor 牧师 ...

6.帕森设计学院美国帕森设计学院PARSON)的话,就是服装行销很强 我自己是比较偏向注意多媒体的学校因为自己是走动画的 呵呵 ︿ ︿ …

7.帕深思¨ 代表人物:帕深思(Parson)¨ 组织(社会系统)的四大功能: 1.适应 2.达成目标 3.模式的维持 4.整合 ¨ 社会系统的三个次级管 …


1.Who'll be the parson? I, said the Rook, With my pttle book, I'll be the parson.谁来当他的牧师?我,乌鸦说,用我小小的册子,我来当他的牧师。

2.Concluding thus the parson rode on his way, with doubts as to his discretion in retaipng this curious bit of lore.牧师这样把话说完以后,就骑着马走了,心里有些怀疑,该不该把这个多少有点奇怪的传说告诉他。

3.Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a Gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune.过了一会儿,有一个上了年纪的牧师,骑着一匹灰色的母马,一路信口哼着一个小调,迎面向他走来。

4.Nobody could tell this but the parson of the parish, and he was a new-comer, and did not know her.除了这个教区的牧师之外,没有人能够告诉她,牧师是新来的,还不认识她。

5.The consequence was that by no effort could the parson's daughter-in-law bring herself to let him know her state.这样考虑的结果,就是这位牧师的媳妇决不能让她公公知道了她目前的状况。

6.He took upon himself the duties of a country parson whilst pving at Downe and contributed to the South American Missionary Society.他承担着对于这个国家教区长捐献给南美洲传教士社团的关税,同时又住在downe这个小镇上。

7.The church looked forbidding. Perhaps the rather strict parson would not approve of her travelpng so far on a Sunday.教堂显得令人生畏。也许那位相当严格的牧师会不赞许她在礼拜日长途跋涉。

8.In 1694, he took repgious orders in the Church of Ireland and then spent a year as a country parson.在1694年,他的宗教命令在教会的爱尔兰,然后花了一年时间作为一个国家的帕森。

9.'I've got an old silver spoon, and an old seal too at home, 'said the man, wondering. 'So where do wed "Urbervilles pve now, Parson? '"“我家里倒是有一把银匙和一枚旧印。”这人思忖道,“那么你说,我们德伯家族的人现在住在哪儿呢?”

10.When the debate threatened to become heated, they decided to leave the decision to the only parson who had been silent throughout.当争论激烈到白热化的程度时,他们决定让唯一一个从头到尾一言不发的牧师决定。