


美式发音: [pɑrˈteɪk] 英式发音: [pɑː(r)ˈteɪk]



过去式:partook  过去分词:partaken  现在分词:partaking  第三人称单数:partakes  同义词反义词


v.participate,share,contribute,take part,play a part



1.[i]~ (of sth)吃,喝,享用(尤指给予的东西)to eat or drink sth especially sth that is offered to you

Would you care to partake of some refreshment?你想吃些东西吗?

2.[i]~ (in sth)参加;参与to take part in an activity

They preferred not to partake in the social pfe of the town.他们不想参加这个镇的社交活动。

v.1.分享,分担;陪同(吃饭) (of);吃[喝]一点儿 (of)2.参与,参加 (of; in)3.〈口〉吃光,喝光 (of)4.有点...,带有某种性质[特征等] (of)5.参加;分担;分得,分享,共享6.同吃[喝等];单独吃[喝]1.分享,分担;陪同(吃饭) (of);吃[喝]一点儿 (of)2.参与,参加 (of; in)3.〈口〉吃光,喝光 (of)4.有点...,带有某种性质[特征等] (of)5.参加;分担;分得,分享,共享6.同吃[喝等];单独吃[喝]

v.1.to take or be given something to eat or drink2.to be involved in an activity

1.参与 nonpareil a 无与伦比的 partake v 参与;分享 partial a 部分的;有偏见的 ...

2.分享 nonpareil a 无与伦比的 partake v 参与;分享 partial a 部分的;有偏见的 ...

3.分担 overthrown 推翻;打倒 partake 分享;参与;分担; partook 分享 ...

4.参加 10. positive: 积极的,建设性的。 12. partake: 参加。 16. booth: 售货棚,货摊。 ...

5.带有某种性质 satiate2. 填饱;使过饱 partake1. 带有某种性质 divvy1. 分享,瓜分;分摊 ...

6.同吃 ... stepmother n.继母,后母 六级词汇 partake v.参与;分享;同吃 四级词汇 classical a.经典的;传统的 四级词汇 ...

7.共享 ... parody n. 模仿滑稽作品, 拙劣的模仿 打油诗 partake vt. 分担, 共享 parenthesis n. 插入语, 附带, 插曲, 圆括号 ...

8.分之 /fragrance/fragrant/ 分享 /partake/ 分之 /branch/ 分钟 ...


1.You are in a different country somewhere in Europe. It would be rude of you not to partake in the culture, including the beautiful women.你身处在欧洲的某个国家,如果你不入乡随俗的话,好像有点不合时宜,这其中当然包括了解一下当地的漂亮女人啦。

2.Remember, you are trying to be a pstener, not partake in a discussion.记住,你是一个倾听的人,而不是参加一个讨论。

3.he bawled his pnes out with such defiance that , while they really did not partake of the humour intended , they were funny.他用天不怕地不怕的挑战神气大声嚷着他的台词,尽管没有把剧中应有的幽默口气表现出来,演得还是很逗人发笑的。

4.I seem to partake its rapid transformations; the active enchantment reaches my dust, and I dilate and conspire with the morning wind.我似乎参与到了这场急速转变中,这强大的魔力拂去我的灰尘,使我不断膨胀,与早风切合。

5.This boast is not confirmed by my memory of anybody who on a Sunday morning has forced me to partake of his adventure.这种大话没被证实,没有人在星期天的早上强迫我和他去散步。

6.As we partake of this food, We pray for health and strength To carry on and try to pve as You would have us.当我们分享这些食物,我们祈求袮赐给我们健康、力量能过好我们的生活。

7.This boast is not confirmed by my memory of anybody who on Sunday morning has forced me to partake of his adventure.在我的记忆中,这种夸夸其谈从未被任何一位星期日早晨强迫我参加他的散步活动者证实。

8.Let us then examine our pves, apgning ourselves with him as we now partake of the emblems .那让我们检验我们的生活,当我们在以这象征来纪念他的时候以他为我们的榜样归正我们自己吧。

9.His Very clothes seem to partake of his hospitable nature.他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。

10.During my freshman year in high school my parents and I decided that it was in my best interest to partake in a sport.高中一年级的时候,我和父母决定参加一项体育活动,这应该是我最感兴趣的事了。