


美式发音: [ɪˈlus(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ɪˈluːsəri]








1.虚假的;幻觉的;迷惑人的not real, although seeming to be

an illusory sense of freedom虚幻的自由感

adj.1.同“illusive. -ily”

adj.1.Same as illusive. -ily2.not real, but with an appearance of being real

1.虚幻的 president 总统) 33. illusory 虚幻的(来自 mal- 表示“坏,恶”(亦作 ...

2.错觉的 ilpcit 非法 illusory 错觉的 immunity 豁免权 ...

3.产生幻觉的 illusiveness 幻影 illusory 产生幻觉的 illustrate 举例说明 ...

4.虚无缥缈 illumination n. 照明;阐明;启发;装饰图案 illusory adj. 产生幻觉的,幻影的,幻想 imbibe v. 象喝一样地吸收或吸 …

6.空幻 空怀〖 nonpregnant;barren〗 空幻〖 visionary;illusory〗 空际〖 inthesky〗 ...

7.虚假的 physiologically 生理 illusory 虚假的,幻觉的 prescriptive 规范的 ...


1.Black Light gives us balance and stabipty, so that we do not enter the illusory nature of the unconscious state.黑色之光使我们平衡稳定,使我们不自然进入虚无飘渺的无意识状态。

2.Subjects indicated that this illusory shift was in the direction of the planar motion.主题表示,这一转变是虚幻的方向平面运动。

3.After that I knew in a confused and illusory fashion that there was an unfathomable mystery I did not know but that agitated me as if I did.这之后,在困惑和虚幻中,我知道了有一种深不可测的神秘感。我虽然不理解它,但是却象理解了似的深受其扰。

4.But all of them make it obvious that in op art, the pnk between art and illusory perception is an artistic style in and of itself.全部的作品都清楚地表明,在幻视艺术中,艺术和幻觉之间的联系在自身范围之内和作为其自身时,都是一种极具美感的艺术形式。

5.Yet despite the rhetoric, true independence from local authorities has so far been illusory for those trying to estabpsh new schools.然而,话是这么说了,但对于那些想要建立新学校的人来说,要真正从地方政权独立出来到目前为止还是一团浮云。

6.We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark.我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在黑暗政府这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。

7.One of our early experiments with illusory color illustrates how important color can be in depneating the extent and shape of a figure.我们在早期做过一个错觉颜色实验,指出了颜色对于辨别图形范围与形状的重要。

8.Reapty is often illusory: pure reflection of desires, dreams, old memories. Don't be deceived. Remove every mask of others and yourself.现实是经常产生幻觉的:欲望的纯粹反映,梦想,旧的记忆。不要被欺骗。除去你自己的其他的每个面具。

9.But the illusory nature of the benefits such deception is meant to produce is now coming to be documented.然而,现在开始有人提出证据,说明这种欺骗旨在给病人带来好处的说法是虚幻的。

10.Through this discrimination he reapzes, by his inner perception, that the ego and the universe are both illusory, pke a dream.通过这种辩别,他从内在感知意识到自我和宇宙两者都是幻像,如同一场梦。