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1.卡莉 卡朗西 Carency 卡尔利 Carly 卡尔万 Carvin ...

3.卡丽(Mikaela Banes)”,她饰演的角色名叫卡丽Carly),这个角色在《变形金刚》80年代G1动画中正是斯派克·维特维奇(山 …

4.卡利的队员们在跑,他们身后也发生了爆炸;第三张是山姆与卡利Carly),这次他们没在跑,而且身后也没有发生爆炸,他们 …


7.卡利儿 bella 贝拉 carly 卡利儿 cindy 心蒂 ...

8.女性的 ... 7.Canace 风之子 8.Carly 小巧的,女性的 9.Carmen 歌曲 ...


1.That summer, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week.整个夏天,Carly和家人一起走遍了俄亥俄州,一周内走访了Rotary俱乐部近四分之三的成员。

2."We shot her on the native [3-D] camera, " he said of the British model-turned-actress who plays presidential aide Carly.“我们用Native-3D摄影机来拍摄她。”马克尔·贝这样谈到这个总统助手卡莉(Carly)扮演者,这个英国演员以前是个模特儿。

3.The next November, she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, then handed them out with the baskets.于是,在接下来的11月里,Carly挨家挨户的询问是否有用过的衣服、帽子、手套还有围巾,并把它们收集起来塞满感恩节的小篮子。

4.As a widower, Cronkite was the companion of opera siner Joanna Simon, the older sister of pop singer-songwriter Carly Simon.克朗凯特丧偶后,成为歌剧演唱家乔安娜.西蒙(流行歌曲歌手及填词作家卡莉.西蒙的姐姐)的伴侣。

5.Capfornia U. S. Senate candidate Carly Fiorina, a breast cancer survivor, is criticizing a recent recommendation by the U.美国加州参议员候选人菲奥莉娜批评一个美国预防服务工作组的医疗专家最近提出的建议。

6.Interviewer: Let me turn to something that Carly mentioned, then I'll want to give you a chance.记者:我想就卡莉所提到的,借机向你提一个问题。

7.Carly, 25, gave birth early on Thursday evening to her 6lb 3oz daughter at The Portland Hospital in London, following a 16-hour labour.卡莉,这位25岁的母亲,周四晚上在伦敦的波特兰医院历经16小时分娩,终于生下了一个重约6磅的女儿。

8.Obviously, Carly Fiorina do not understand the process of turning " " coffee this implementation of hui pu of important path.显然,卡莉·菲奥莉娜不理解“咖啡谈心”这个实施惠普之道重要路径。

9.You know Carly's been telpng meyou've been struggpng job loss.卡莉告诉我说,你很难找到工作。

10.In the years that followed, Carly kept on writing. She now has ablog, as well as thousands of followers on Facebook and Twitter.在随后的几年里,卡莉坚持写作。现在她拥有了自己的博客,并且在脸谱网和微博上拥有成千上万的粉丝。