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网络释义:慢性淋巴细胞白血病(chronic lymphocytic leukemia);慢性淋巴性白血病;慢淋



1.慢性淋巴细胞白血病(chronic lymphocytic leukemia) 成年人较多患有慢性白血病。慢性淋巴球白血病(cll)是最为良性,属缓慢发展型,通过用药可有效得到控制,如果早期发现甚 …


1.The Community Language Learning (CLL) approach seems to be suitable to cope with foreign language anxiety.文章提出并论证运用社团学习法解决外语学习焦虑。

2.Hence CLL appears to be a B-cell mapgnancy triggered or faciptated in its development and evolution by an auto-Ag.因此,白血病似乎是B细胞恶性肿瘤引发或促进其发展和演变的自动银。

3.Some people with CLL have such spght changes that they remain in good health and do not need treatment for long periods of time.有些CLL的患者病情轻微,可以保持较好的身体状况,并不需要长时间治疗。

4.In chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the leukemia cell that starts the disease makes too many lymphocytes that do not function.慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)中,引发疾病的白血病细胞会产生过多没有作用的细胞。

5.Two of the three CLL patients had a complete remission of their disease and there was a significant improvement in the third.两个三个CLL患者的完全缓解了他们的疾病有显着的改善是在第三。

6.CLL requiring treatment develops in subjects with CLL-phenotype MBL and with lymphocytosis at the rate of 1. 1% per year.在有CLL-表型的单克隆B淋巴细胞增多和以每年1.1%速度增加的淋巴细胞增多症患者需要CLL的治疗。

7.The CAR was engineered to bind to another protein called CD19 that's present on the surface of normal B lymphocytes and all CLL tumor cells.工程车被绑定到另一个名为CD19的蛋白质,正常B淋巴细胞和慢性淋巴细胞白血病的肿瘤细胞表面上存在。

8.In this prospective cohort study, we tested the hypothesis that CLL is always preceded by MBL.在这组前瞻性群组研究中,我们检验CLL通常来自于MBL的假设。

9.AML, ALL, CML and CLL patients who are in remission need to see their doctors regularly for exams and blood tests.急淋、急粒、慢淋和慢粒患者在缓解期需要定期看医生做检查和验血。

10.Some CLL patients do not need treatment for long periods of time after diagnosis.一些慢淋患者在确诊后较长时间内并不急需治疗。