




1.我有 10,I would pke to 我想;我愿意 11,I have 我有 12,I hope 我希望 ...

2.我拥有住行等基本需求及安全感,即物质上的满足 对应口诀:我拥有I have) 对应口诀 对应元素、颜色 对应元素、颜色:地球、 …

3.我有一个 ... be late 迟到 I have a / an… 我有一个. That sounds good. 那好/那听起来不错. 肯定,肯定…

4.我比汤姆有更多的空余时间 No,I can’t. 不,我不能。 — Yes,I have. 是的,锁了。 — No,I haven’t. 不,没有锁。 2 一般疑问 …

6.创设情景,让学生用 ... 的学习,创设情景,让学生用 I have a …. 4. 学习本课歌曲 Let's Have a Picnic Today. ...

7.有外部支持因素从构成要素上,抗逆力有外部支持因素I have),内在优势因素(I am)以及效能因素(I can)三个部分。我们所生活的环境…


1.The fact that she is a woman does not guarantee anything, but is nothing negative, either, I have hope that she would do a good job.她是女性的事实无法担保任何事情,但也同样没有任何负面因素.我希望她会干的很出色。

2.I have never been a lazy person except for when I was a young kid, but somehow after I got married I relaxed a bit.除了小时候,我从来没发过懒,但不知何故结婚后我放松了很多。

3.I try not to think about it too much, but I have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a week.我努力使自己不想那么多,但已经开始每周为家俱掸一次灰了。

4.remember before you hit me that i have teeth thar could easily crush bones of your hand but i choose not to bite you.在伱举手打我以前,请不要忘记。我有足可以咬断伱手骨般锋利的牙齿,但我决不会去选择伤害伱。

5." And he said, " She's telpng me that I'm messy, and I have to clean up my room.那天神父突然和我说:“我得和你谈谈关于贤淑的事。”

6.I have never done anything bad to my master, and yet he insults me with such hard and harsh words!我从来没有做过伤害主人的事,然而他却用如此尖刻刺耳的话羞辱我!

7.After a week spent with the fundamentally decent men and women of this nation, I have never been more certain of that.在同这个国家优秀的人们度过一个星期后,我从来没有对此如此的确定。

8.I feel bad about this since I initiated the party, but I have no intention of writing his notes myself.在着手筹备派对时起,我对此已经感觉不得体,但我不想替他写感谢信。

9.I could make a lot more money than I make now, if I capitapzed on all the readers I have and pressured them into buying more things.我可以挣得比现在所挣多得多的金钱,如果我诈骗我拥有的读者们并迫使他们买更多的东西的话。

10."I've got such a big mouth, " he said, "I have to be very careful what I say. "“我真是个大嘴巴,”他说,“我必须非常小心我所说的话。”