




1.密码优化日本地区地图应用”之外,还将修复饱受诟病的 “密码锁定Passcode)漏洞”。

3.输入密码 ... "EMERGENCY_CALL" 紧急呼叫"; "ENTER_PASSCODE" 输入密码"; "EDGE_OFF_FAILURE_TITLE" 蜂窝数据 …

4.密码不正确 ... "WIFI_YES" 不询问"; "WRONG_PASSCODE" 密码不正确"; "WAITING_FOR_ACTIVATION_TITLE" 正在等待激 …

5.设定密码 ... "CALL_FORWARDING_ACTIVE" 已启用来电转接"; "CONFIRM_NEW_PASSCODE" 重新输入新密码"; "DATA_P…


1.Step 1: Get the passcode (shared secret) from the service provider where the key pair is to be registered.步骤1:从要注册密钥对的服务提供程序那里获得密码(共享密钥)。

2.First, of course, the iPhone 5 could have biometric security to avoid having to type in a passcode for access.首先,iPhone5当然可以使用生物识别来避免访问时不得不敲入密码。

3.But my iPhone is set up to require a passcode to get to the home screen and run apps.不过我的iPhone的设置是要输入密码才能进入初始屏幕,运行程序。

4.You can choose to use a passcode so that only you and close friends can change the image.你也可以设置一个密码,使得只有你和你的朋友可以改变这个数字。

5.The service provider may also give the key name to be used with the passcode.服务提供程序还可以提供与密码一起使用的密钥名。

6.What is the passcode for the door ? Perhaps we can find it on another computer terminal .这个门的密码是什么?或许我们能在另一个电脑终端上找到。

7.Also, Siri can reveal private data you'd rather it didn't unless you adjust your passcode permissions.此外,Siri会显示你不不大希望透露的私人数据,除非你重设密码许可。

8.All you need to do is enter your passcode incorrectly five times.你所要做的就是连续五次输入错误的密码。

9.Remember the passcode for each stage. It is located in the top ringht corner.记住每一级的密码。它在顶部的右角。

10.Remember the passcode for each stage.记住各阶段的通行密码。