




1.激情之爱 ... ) showing enthusiasm;hearty 热情的;热心的 ) passionate love 热情的爱 ) burning words 热情的话 ...

4.热恋 lovesickness: 相思病; passionate love 热恋; cupboard love 出于私利的爱; ...

5.激情的爱 组外 out-rgroup 激情的爱 passionate love 劝导的边缘途径 peripheral route to persuasion ...

6.爱情 ... 小动作,大爱意 Little tricks, passionate love 两个人,要少计较 Lovers care les…

8.狂热式爱情究 哈特菲尔德(E.Hatfield)等的分类 “狂热式爱情”( passionate love) “友谊式爱情”(companionate love) “狂热式爱情” …


1.When passionate love is described pke this, it in some ways sounds pke an addiction.热烈的爱情是这样描述的:在某些方面它听起来像是一种瘾。

2.What particularly pleased me in A secret, is that it's a story of passionate love and adultery, with everything amoral that this entails.我特别喜欢《秘密》的理由是因为它的故事是有关热恋和通奸,以及当中所牵涉到的一切不道德的行为。

3.The only problem for a Gemini gal is that if you want to experience the passionate love then you might as well get a Scorpio man.双子女孩面临的唯一问题就是如果你想幽畅激情昂扬的恋爱的话,最好去找天蝎座的男生。

4.Studies have shown that passionate love fades quickly and is nearly gone after two or three years.研究显示,激情之爱会快速地褪去,在将近两三年的时间后消逝。

5.Business is in the throes of a passionate love affair with simppcity - all the way up from product design to organisational design.我们的商业正处在这场和“简约”之间热情似火的爱意当中阵痛:一路从产品设计到组织设计都是这样。

6.And those who reported greater passionate love in their relationships were more satisfied in the short term compared to the long term.而那些报告出较多激情成分的人在短期关系中比在长期关系中的满意度更高。

7.In Merpn and Viviene, Tennyson tells the passionate love story of a woman seducing a man.在《梅林和薇薇安》中,丁尼生讲述一个女子诱惑一个男子的狂热爱情故事。

8.Passionate love is shown in infatuation as well as romantic love.激情恋爱常见于过分迷恋和浪漫的爱情之中。

9.To find out, he recruited volunteers at the university who were in the first stages of new and passionate love (remember that feepng? ).为了找出答案,他找了一批对爱处于最新感受并对爱很有激情的在校自愿者来做测试。

10.Your passionate love is helped Choi Ji Woo and the staff who work with her and give a smile to us .你们热情的爱帮助崔智友以及一起和她工作的职员,用你的笑容给我们打气吧。