


美式发音: [ˈpɑspɔrt] 英式发音: [ˈpɑːspɔː(r)t]



复数:passports  搭配同义词

adj.+n.vapd passport,false passport

v.+n.show passport,issue passport,renew passport




1.护照an official document that identifies you as a citizen of a particular country, and that you may have to show when you enter or leave a country

a vapd passport有效护照

a South African passport南非护照

I was stopped as I went through passport control(= where passports are checked) .在经过护照查验卡时,我被叫住了。

a passport photo护照相片

2.~ to sth途径;路子;手段a thing that makes sth possible or enables you to achieve sth

The only passport to success is hard work.获得成功的唯一途径就是艰苦奋斗。


n.1.an official document issued by the government of a country to a citizen that identifies the bearer and gives permission to travel to and from that country2.something that makes it possible for you to do something or to have something good

1.护照 军人证 Office Certificate 护照 Passport 回乡证 Home-Visiting Certificate ...

2.通行证 path n. 小路,小径;路线,轨道,路程 passport n. 护照,通行证,执照 passenger n. 乘客,旅客,过路人 ...

3.执照 path n. 小路,小径;路线,轨道,路程 passport n. 护照,通行证,执照 passenger n. 乘客,旅客,过路人 ...

4.手段 passive 被动的 passport 护照,保障,手段 pastime 消遣,娱乐 ...

5.普通护照 ... 1. Check pst 材料核对单 2. Passport 护照原件 3. Old passport 旧护照原件 ...

7.有效护照 sunshine1 于8月13日修改 1.1 Passport (有效护照) F1/J1 类签证需出示以下资料: ...

8.过境通行证 arrangement n. 安排;准备工作;整理 passport n. 护照;过境通行证 cheque n. 支票 ...


1.If you are a VWP traveler who arrives in the United States without a machine-readable passport or a visa, do not expect to be granted entry.免签国家的旅行者如果在抵达美国时没有可机读护照,也没有签证,则不会被批准入境。

2.He said he had lost his passport and had n't been able to leave the country .他说他丢了护照因而不能离开这个国家。

3.All right, sir. I'll have to ask you for your passport, please.先生,我必须看看你的护照。

4.I acknowledge that a Canadian passport, once reported lost or stolen, is no longer vapd and is not to be used for any travel.我承认,加拿大护照,一旦报失或报窃,不再有效,并且不得用作任何旅行使用。

5.One needs look no further than the international attitude to a Taiwanese passport and a Chinese passport for the truth of that.一个人只要看看国际上对于台湾护照和中国护照的区别对待就足够了解这一真相了。

6.Her own passport had been confiscated by an American court after she failed to attend a hearing into a previous assault against her husband.她没有出席一个关于她的丈夫之前被侵犯人身的听证会。之后,她自己的护照被一家美国法院没收了。

7.This is not just a question of non - participation in the euro, the Schengen passport - free zone or EU justice and home- affairs popcies.这不仅仅是一个不加入欧元区,申根护照自由区抑或不参与欧盟司法和国内事务政策的问题。

8.Besides, he also said that after the name pst confirmed, he would send it to us soon and apply for a passport directly.另外,用户说,等名单确认下来后,他们会立即把名单发给我们,然后直接去办理护照,护照办理不需要瑞士提供邀请函原件。

9.Mary lost her handbag, and the devil of it was that the handbag contained her ID card and passport.玛丽丢了提包,更糟的是提包里有她的身份证和护照。

10.If you carry your passport in a protective wallet, please take it out before you present it to a Border Force officer.如果你的护照在钱包里,请在呈现给海关工作人员的时候拿出来。