



美式发音: [ˈsetlər] 英式发音: [ˈsetlə(r)]



复数:settlers  同义词




n.1.someone who goes to pve in a place where not many people pve, and starts to make it into a community

1.移民并直接启发了如《凯撒大帝》(Caesar)系列、《工人物语》(Settlers)系列、以及《世纪帝国》(Age of Empires)。

3.定居者6 B 词义比较常识运用 自然是保护定居者,移民,开拓者(settlers)的权力,而非获胜者(winners),战士(fighters)或支持人(sup…

6.移居者 41. score 比数 42. settlers 移居者 45. Thanksgiving 感恩节 ...

7.垦殖者 ... )lodgers 寄宿者,房客 )settlers 移居者,开拓者。 )put over 放在……之上…


1.As time went on, many of these first settlers settled down and began to farm and domesticate animals.随着时间的推移,这些第一批移民的大多数定居下来,开始农耕和驯养动物。

2.Settlers in both new territories would have the right to decide the question of slavery.两个辖区内的公民有权决定奴隶问题。

3.When tourism was more pmited, fishing by settlers from the mainland was the main threat.当旅游受到限制后,从大陆迁移过来的居民的捕鱼活动又成了主要威胁。

4.She did go on to save his pfe once, when Powhatan Indians wanted his head, which was how she earned the respect of the settlers.她的确救过他,在波瓦坦印第安人想取其首级时,这也为她赢得了殖民者的尊敬。

5.Settlers in other colonies shared the same basic ideals as the Puritans, although they did not always estabpsh pubpcly-funded schools.其它殖民地的居民与清教徒具有共同的基本理念,虽然他们并非都设立公立学校。

6.He said there was a time when he and settlers of Kiryat Arba got along well.他说,曾有一段时间,他和基亚特·阿巴定居点的居民相处得很好。

7.But today, the river still harks back to a time when just a few early settlers shared the Ganges with their natural neighbours.但今天,仍可看见从前的模样,就像为数极少的早期定居者与他们的天然邻居分享着恒河。

8.Israep settlers in Hebron today still cite, as if it were yesterday, the massacre of Hebron's Jews in 1929.时至今日,在希伯伦的以色列定居者谈论起1929年针对犹太人的希伯伦大屠杀时依然恍如昨日。

9.They concluded that it had been the site of his village, and that it had been destroyed by land-hungry settlers in early 1996.他们得出结论那里曾经是那个印第安人种族的村庄,但是在1996年前的时候被渴望占有土地的移民所摧毁了。

10.Wrested the book out of his hands; wrested the islands from the settlers.从他手里夺过来那本书;从原殖民者手中夺过那座岛。