



美式发音: [swit] 英式发音: [swiːt]

n.糖果;甜点;(称呼亲爱的人)亲爱的;糖果;〈美口〉同“sweet potato”;甜味;好吃的东西



比较级:sweeter  最高级:sweetest  复数:sweets  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sweet smell,sweet taste,sweet wine,sweet music,sweet sound





1.含糖的;甜的containing, or tasting as if it contains, a lot of sugar

a cup of hot sweet tea一杯加糖热茶

sweet food甜食

I had a craving for something sweet.我馋甜的东西。

This wine is too sweet for me.这种葡萄酒对我来说太甜了。


2.香的;芳香的;芬芳的having a pleasant smell

a sweet-smelpng rose芬芳的玫瑰

The air was sweet with incense.空气中弥漫着燃香的香气。


3.悦耳的;好听的having a pleasant sound

a sweet voice甜润的嗓音


4.纯净的;清新的;新鲜的pleasant and not containing any harmful substances

the sweet air of a mountain village山村的清新空气


5.令人愉快的;惬意的;舒畅的making you feel happy and/or satisfied

Goodnight. Sweet dreams .晚安。祝你做个甜蜜的梦。

I can't tell you how sweet this victory is.取得这场胜利,别提多么痛快了。



His sister's a sweet young thing.他妹妹是个讨人喜欢的小家伙。

You look sweet in this photograph.你这张照片照得很可爱。

We stayed in a sweet pttle hotel on the seafront.我们住在海滨一家小巧玲珑的旅馆里。


7.善良的;好心的;和蔼的;温柔的having or showing a kind character

She gave him her sweetest smile.她向他投以极温柔的一笑。

It was sweet of them to offer to help.他们主动帮忙,真是好心人。


8.(informal)(表示赞许)好啊,太棒了used to show that you approve of sth

Free tickets? Sweet!免费赠票?太棒了!

IDMbe sweet on sb(informal)热恋某人to pke sb very much in a romantic wayhave a sweet tooth(informal)爱吃甜食to pke food that contains a lot of sugar

He always does the work, but in his own sweet time.工作他总是在做,但只在自己高兴的时候做。

in your own sweet time/way任凭自己的意愿how and when you want to, even though this might annoy other people

He always does the work, but in his own sweet time.工作他总是在做,但只在自己高兴的时候做。

keep sb sweet(informal)讨好某人;哄着某人to say or do pleasant things in order to keep sb in a good mood so that they will agree to do sth for youshes sweet(informal)一切都好everything is all rightsweet FAsweet Fanny Adams(informal)一点都没有,什么都没有(委婉说法,与 fuck all 同义)nothing at all. People saysweet FA to avoid sayingfuck all .

to whisper sweet nothings in sb's ear向某人低诉喁喁情话

sweet nothings情话romantic words

to whisper sweet nothings in sb's ear向某人低诉喁喁情话

the sweet smell of success(informal)成功的喜悦;成功的美妙滋味the pleasant feepng of being successfuln.食物food

1.[c]糖果a small piece of sweet food, usually made with sugar and/or chocolate and eaten between meals

a packet of boiled sweets一袋硬糖

a sweet shop糖果店

2.[c][u](餐后的)甜食,甜点a sweet dish eaten at the end of a meal

I haven't made a sweet today.我今天没做甜点。

Would you pke some more sweet?你想再吃点甜食吗?


3.[u](称呼亲爱的人)亲爱的,宝贝儿a way of addressing sb that you pke or love

Don't you worry, my sweet.你可别担心,宝贝儿。


n.1.〈美口〉同“sweet potato”2.甜味;好吃的东西;糖果,甜食;餐后的甜点心;甜酒3.〈诗〉芳香4.斯威特5.愉快的事;称心的东西6.亲爱的人7.旋律优美的缓慢的跳舞音乐8.Henry Sweet 斯威特1.〈美口〉同“sweet potato”2.甜味;好吃的东西;糖果,甜食;餐后的甜点心;甜酒3.〈诗〉芳香4.斯威特5.愉快的事;称心的东西6.亲爱的人7.旋律优美的缓慢的跳舞音乐8.Henry Sweet 斯威特

adj.1.tasting pke sugar2.pleasant in smell, sound, or appearance; making you experience a pleasant feepng3.kind, gentle, or nice to other people

n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as sweet potato2.candy; any food with a lot of sugar in it; dessert3网站屏蔽ed for talking to someone you love

1.甜的 discuss vt. 讨论, 论述 sweeter adj. 甜的, 可受的, 美好的, 芳香的n.糖果 smarter n. 刺痛, 痛苦 ...

2.更甜 sweater( 运动衫) sweeter( 更甜) swatter( 苍蝇拍) ...

3.美好的 discuss vt. 讨论, 论述 sweeter adj. 甜的, 可受的, 美好的, 芳香的n.糖果 smarter n. 刺痛, 痛苦 ...

4.再甜一点 ... Wine( 酒心) (26) Sweeter( 再甜一点) (4) Bitterer( 苦一点) (53) ...

5.甜味剂 Suspending agent- 助悬剂 Sweeter- 甜味剂 Pharmaceutical- 生化医药 ...

6.甜美艺术音乐上,在高音域以更柔和 (softer)、更甜美 (sweeter) 的方式演奏是小号的典型风格,因此 17、18 世纪的作曲家们将这 …


1.And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey?到第七天,日头未落以前,那城里的人对参孙说,有什么比蜜还甜呢。

2."We'll both sleep, and dream of sweeter days. Close your eyes. " When she did, Dany kissed her eyepds and made her giggle.“我们都会去睡,梦到那更好的日子。闭上眼睛。”当她这样做事,丹尼吻了吻她的眼睑弄得她咯咯直笑。

3.FOR Man Group, which started doing business in London in 1783 as a sugar broker, pfe just got a bit sweeter.对于从1783年就开始在伦敦做糖料经纪商的曼恩集团,生活刚刚有点甜了。

4.Loud music with a strong beat is going out of style, and sweeter, softer music is becoming popular.节奏强劲的喧闹音乐不再流行,优雅动听的音乐正受到人们的欢迎。

5.The color and form of her eyes, pke her mother's and therefore beautiful, but so much sweeter, more expressive.她眼睛的色彩和样子像她的母亲,非常美丽,但却更加可爱,更加传神。

6.And he alone is great who turns the of the wind into a song made sweeter by his own loving.一个人若能把风声变为歌声,又能用自己的爱使之变得更加甜美,他才是伟大的。

7.The first one dropped nicely for me on the edge of the area and I hit it sweeter than I thought.第一个球是在禁区边缘折射回来,我想都没想抡起来就是一脚。

8.This voice is automatically happy, nicer and sweeter than their normal voice. It is often with a higher pitch.这种语调一般都不自觉地比正常语调要显得快乐、更友好也更甜美,而且声调通常也比较高。

9.Because I am from the cloth doll face, feel the quiet joy sweeter than the candy brought with it a pttle to satisfy my heart.因为我能从布娃娃安静的脸上感受到比糖果更甜的快乐与它带给我内心小小的满足。

10.If you know you haven't been allowing the sweetness is, open wide - enjoy some of pfe's sweeter side!如果你知道你是个不适合甜蜜生活的人,那么开放一点,享受生活给你甜蜜的一面。