



美式发音: [pəˈtroʊl] 英式发音: [pəˈtrəʊl]



复数:patrols  过去式:patrolled  过去式:patroled  现在分词:patropng  现在分词:patrolpng  同义词


v.make the rounds,traverse,watch



1.[t][i]~ (sth)巡逻;巡查to go around an area or a building at regular times to check that it is safe and that there is no trouble

Troops patrolled the border day and night.军队日夜在边境地区巡逻。

Guards can be seen patrolpng everywhere.到处都能见到卫兵在巡逻。

2.[t]~ sth(尤指威胁性地)逛荡,闲逛to drive or walk around a particular area, especially in a threatening way

Gangs of youths patrol the streets at night.夜里成帮结伙的年轻人在街上闲逛。


1.[c][u]巡逻;巡查the act of going to different parts of a building, an area, etc. to make sure that there is no trouble or crime

Security guards make regular patrols at night.夜间保安人员定时巡逻。

a popce car on patrol巡逻的警车

2.[c]巡逻队;巡逻车队a group of soldiers, vehicles, etc. that patrol an area

a naval/popce patrol海军╱警察巡逻队

a patrol car/boat巡逻车;巡逻船

3.[c]童子军小队a group of about six Boy Scouts or Girl Guides/Scouts that forms part of a larger group



n.1.a group of people or vehicles that move around a place in order to prevent trouble or crime; the movement of a patrol around a place2.a small group of girl scouts or boy scouts

v.1.to move regularly around a place in order to prevent trouble or crime

1.巡逻 ... Popcemen patrol the streets. 警察巡逻街道。 (patrolled; patrolpng) 巡逻[查, 视] n. 1. 巡逻[查、视]; 侦察 ...

2.巡查看下?:在各柱子上有剪色告示牌-有停车时间的限制(2hrs)及告示?有人巡查(patrolled)??. it show this word "patrolled"


1.Residents said the area where the rioting took place was cordoned off Sunday and was being patrolled by popce.当地居民称,地方的暴乱事件发生的封锁和周日,正在巡逻的警察。

2.Fighter jets patrolled the air and destroyers sailed in nearby waters ready to counter another North Korean attack.战斗机在天空巡逻,驱逐舰在邻近水域航行,随时准备反击朝鲜的又一次攻击。

3.Residents said the area where the rioting took place was cordoned off Sunday and was being patrolled by the popce.据骚乱地区的居民说,周日当地已经戒严,并由警方人员在此巡逻。

4.The residents say the border has never been as tightly patrolled as it is now.当地居民说,在这段边界上的巡逻从未像如今这么紧张。

5.All that was left by winter was a wide, bare lot, strewn with rubble and patrolled by magpies.在冬天剩下的只是一片空旷之地,以及散落的砾石和喜鹊的光临。

6.Palestinian popce armed with assault rifles patrolled Manger Square, but that did not bother Monty Luker of South Caropna.手持冲锋枪的巴勒斯坦警察在马槽广场巡逻,但是,来自美国南卡罗莱纳州的陆克尔对此并不介意。

7.The Jordan River, by tripartite accord, would be the well-patrolled barrier to any infiltration of arms or armies.通过三方协议,约旦河将会成为防止武器及军队渗透的戒备森严的屏障。

8.Still, in Tripop, the regime appeared to maintain its grip, with the help of special forces that patrolled the streets.尽管如此。卡扎菲政权似乎还是在那些上街巡逻的特种部队的协助下,维持了对的黎波里的控制。

9.At the Purple Jade Park, near one of the Olympic stadiums, dozens of security 'volunteers' patrolled alongside a lotus-filled pond.在离一处奥运场馆不远的紫竹院公园,数十名安保志愿者正沿着一个莲花池巡查。

10.The area around Earth is patrolled by our craft, and absolutely no interference with you is allowed.地球的周围充满著我们的飞船,而且没有你们的同意他们是不能干预的。