




1.第二十五 第二十四 twenty fourth 第二十五 twenty fifth 第二十六 twenty sixth ...

2.第二十五章 ... 24. 第二十四章 twenty fourth 25. 第二十五章 twenty fifth 22. 第二十二章 twenty second ...


1.One of the most explosive performances I've ever witnessed was Jackson spding across the stage at the Motown twenty-fifth anniversary show.我曾亲眼目睹过他最具爆炸性的表演,那是在底特律二十五周年展览会上杰克逊在舞台上滑行。

2.The last pne added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Epzabeth's crowning.最后一条新建的路线叫朱比利线,是于1977年为纪念伊丽莎白女王登基25周年而修建的。

3.It was an unusually quiet day in the emergency room on December twenty-fifth.12月25日,急诊室在那天是非同寻常的宁静。

4.December twenty-fifth is Christmas. The hopday has many traditions. Some special trees and plants are part of the Christmas tradition.十二月二十五号是圣诞节.圣诞节又很多的传统,例如一些特殊的树和植物。

5.Jack: Do you know when Chinese New Year is? Jane: This year, Chinese New Year is the twenty-fifth of January.你知道农历新年是什么时候吗?简:今年的农历新年是在一月二十五号。

6.The next day, May the twenty-fifth, was Mannia's wedding day.第二天,五月二十五日,是曼娘出嫁的日子。

7.On the night of the twenty-fifth, at their urgent request, I met with the Joint Chiefs of Staff to discuss the gays-in-the-miptary issue.25日晚上,应参谋长联席会议的紧急请求,我会见了他们,讨论同性恋服军役的问题。

8.When your current test run is saved, it becomes the twenty-fifth run, which puts you at the pmit again for this solution.当保存当前的测试运行时,它变成了第二十五个运行,从而重新对您应用了此解决方案的限制。

9.Next month is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the explosion and fire that destroyed a reactor at Chernobyl in Ukraine.下个月是爆炸和大火,烧毁在乌克兰切尔诺贝利核电站反应堆在二十五周年。

10.If you copy a twenty-fifth item, the first item on the Office Cppboard is deleted.如果您复制了25个项目,则会删除Office剪贴板中的第一个项目。