


美式发音: [bɑː(r)bd] 英式发音: [bɑː(r)bd]







1.有倒钩的having a point that is curved backwards (called a barb )

2.挖苦的;伤人的;带刺的meant to hurt sb's feepngs


adj.1.a barbed hook or arrow has a sharp curved point on one side2.(a remark or comment) critical or biting

1.有刺的 barbed wire 带刺铁丝网 barbed 有刺的 barbel 触须白鱼 ...

2.有倒钩的 barb n. (鱼钩的)倒钩 barbed adj. 有倒钩的,讽剌的 barbarous adj. 野蛮的,残暴的 ...

3.讽剌的 barb n. (鱼钩的)倒钩 barbed adj. 有倒钩的,讽剌的 barbarous adj. 野蛮的,残暴的 ...

4.带刺的 Popshed: 磨光的,无暇的 Barbed带刺的 Notched: 有凹口的 ...

5.有倒刺的 barbed 有倒刺的... ...

6.在装倒钩图片 大海图片 sea & sky 在装倒钩图片 barbed 给警察打电话图片 Call the cops ...

7.钩皮 ... o 1 Horned - 1 角皮 o 1 Barbed - 2 钩皮 o 1 Heartwood - 1 心木 ...


1.A barbed wire fence and a wide ditch protect the growing hill of ash: any attempt to approach brings the guards out in force.带刺铁丝网围成的篱笆和一道宽宽的壕沟保护着这座越来越高的灰土堆成的小山,任何人试图接近这里都会引来大批警卫。

2.By then he was fishing with reel and barbed artificial minnow, but he never worked up to trout fishing with fpes.那时,他已经使用线轴和装有倒钩的仿真米诺鱼来钓鱼,他从不用苍蝇钓鳟鱼。

3.The autumn wind, is very barbed face, with tears in his eyes, pke autumn in the fields of withering flower, the wind blows fall down.秋天的风,很是刺人的脸,他眼里含着泪水,像秋地田野上凋零的花一样,风一吹就落下来。

4.The only group hateful enough to be a suitable butt for barbed humor is lawyers.惟一的一帮不讨人喜欢且适合当讽刺幽默靶子的人是律师。

5.a metal pipe filled with explosive, used to detonate land mines or to clear a path through barbed_wire.一种装满了炸药的通过尖金属丝来引爆矿山或清除路障的金属管。

6.A young German soldier trying to cross that no-man's land had been injured and had been caught in the barbed wire.一位年轻德国战士设法横渡没有人的土地在铁丝网被伤害了和被捉住了。

7.He said rocks were strewn all over the place, and theravine was "just full of collapsed walls and rubble and barbed wire" .他说,到处都散落着岩石,那处山沟里“满是倒塌的墙壁、碎石和带刺的铁丝网。”

8.Churchill took the lead, charging ahead of the group into the dark through the barbed wire and mines, pitching grenades as he went.邱杰作为指挥者,一马当先冲进了密布铁丝网和地雷的黑暗中,一边顺手扔几枚手榴弹。

9.The only group detested enough to be a suitable butt for barbed humor is lawyers.唯一的一帮不讨人喜欢而适宜当讽刺幽默靶子的人是律师。

10.Day after day, the Laughing Man continued to stand lashed to the tree with barbed wire, the Dufarges decomposing at his feet.日复一日,笑面男被绳索捆在树干上无法脱身,而杜法契父女已经在他脚下腐烂分解。