




1.高度重视 ... pay meticulous attention 紧记 pay high attention to 高度关注;高度重视 pay no attention 没注意 ...

2.高度关注 ... pay meticulous attention 紧记 pay high attention to 高度关注;高度重视 pay no attention 没注意 ...


1.The only path to community harmony is to pay high attention to community employment and estabpsh enough employment communities.高度关注社区就业问题,创建最充分的就业社区,是实现社区和谐的必由之路。

2.It is necessary to pay high attention to it, especially with consideration to its positive impact on building the world-class university.要高度重视,充分认识评估对建傲世界一流大学的积极意义。

3.For the reasons, the author proposes a specific strategy: schools should pay high attention to the cultivation of social responsibipty.针对理由,笔者提出了具体的对策:学校应全面重视社会责任感的培育;

4.Therefore, all countries pay high attention to food production, especially more important for China with such large population.因此各国都非常重视粮食的生产问题。对我国这样一个人口大国而言就显得尤为重要。

5.Leaders of the Party Central Committee and the State Council pay high attention to the incident.党中央、国务院领导高度重视此事。

6.The government pay high attention to this matter and channel the water from areas with aboudant water resource to help arid area.国家政府也高度重视这件事,从水资源丰富的地区调水,帮助灾区。

7.Test scores make you either happy or sad and your parents pay high attention to your test results.测试成绩让你无论是高兴还是悲伤,你的父母高度重视您的测试结果。

8.For a more beautiful world, we should pay high attention to environmental protection.为了使我们的世界更加美好,我们应该注意保护环境。

9.Each Marxist should pay high attention to this revolution.每一个马克思主义者都不能不给予高度重视。

10.We must pay high attention to the harmful consequence of this condition.其不良后果必须引起我们的高度注意。