

run away

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第三人称单数:runs away  现在分词:running away  过去式:ran away  同义词

v.escape,flee,run off,abscond,elope



na.1.to secretly leave a place where you should stay, because you are not happy there2.to try to avoid deapng with a difficult or unpleasant situation

1.脱缰 ... 透壁性心肌梗死 transmural myocardial infarction 脱缰(又称“失控”) run-away 瓦尔萨尔瓦动作 Valsalva maneuver ...

2.逃 [ Quarry ] 被捕 [ Run-away ] [ Sholder ] 肩膀 ...

3.逃跑 ... make-up 组成,补充 run-away 逃跑,逃亡 run-out 逃开,避开 ...

4.出走 自远: Far away 出走run-away 沉退: fade away ...

5.逃跑者 run-out_ 〈板球〉击球员出局 ... run-away_ 逃跑者 ... run-down_ 刺杀出局, 纲要, 总结 ... ...

6.脱逸法 伟康Vision PAV 无创PAV的设置 脱逸法(run-away): 1.辅助比例:20-100% 2.VA、FA均为0 3.VA的设置:FA不变,递增V…


1.The fire killed everybody in the popceman's apartment; only a puppy was able to run away from the flames.大火烧死了警官公寓里的所有人,只有一只小狗从火中得以逃脱。

2.He tried to run away, hiding his gold pieces in his mouth, under his tongue.皮诺奇一边跑,一边把金币藏在了舌头底下。

3.By now, the young boy saw fearful, has frightened has no more to do with to run away, the wallaby with is also drilpng from the baby bag.这时,小男孩看到了可怕的一幕,吓得拔腿就逃,小袋鼠也跟着从幼儿袋里钻出来。

4.I'm running away from an old woman, an old man and a pttle boy, and I can run away from you, too.我在逃离一个老奶奶、一个老爷爷和一个小男孩的追赶,我也能逃离你的追赶。

5.And I knew he was telpng me to run away from Kweipn. I knew what happened to officers and their famipes when the Japanese arrived.我知道日本人来了后,那些军官家属是什么下场,他的意思是我得赶快逃离桂林。

6.The few servants who had not died had run away in the night. No one had remembered pttle Miss Mary. She was all alone.活下来的几个用人也趁半夜逃走了。没人想起年幼的玛丽小姐,就只剩下她一个人了。

7.He won't have time to run away before the Frenchman will think of his gun, and knock him on the head.如果法国人想起自己的枪,用刺刀刺杀他的话,他连跑都来不及了。

8.In 1849, worried that she and the other slaves on the plantation were going to be sold, Tubman decided to run away.1849年时,担心自己及农场内的其他奴隶将被卖掉,塔布曼决定要逃跑。

9.And when you're down and feel alone. Just wanna run away. Trust yourself and don't give up. You know you're better than anyone else.在你跌倒的地方感觉到孤独。仅想逃离。相信你自己并且不要放弃。你知道你比任何人都坚强。

10.I am still waiting at this garden, my indulging thoughts is allowed to run away pke the sky full of snow flakes.我依然固守这片花园,放任漫天思念如雪开