




1.临时委员会 ... SD----Self-Development 部属自我启发 2. PCDA 与工作改善 D----Don`t Intereupt …

3.工作进度跟踪表2,4-二炔酸(TCDA)、10,12-二十五烷基二炔酸(PCDA)为基质脂, 以双十八烷基甘油醚基-β-葡萄糖苷(DGG)为功能分子, 研究了 …

6.绩效管理模式文化交流基金会与马尼拉广播公司(MBC)以及菲律宾合唱指挥家协会(PCDA) 合作,共同举办了2013马尼拉“欢乐之声”——菲 …


1.There was no doubt that the entire membership of WIPO had taken ownership of the work of the PCDA.毫无疑问,WIPO全体成员国都已经掌握了PCDA的工作。

2.The Delegation stated that it was an excellent document that could be usefully debated with the new mandate for the PCDA .代表团表示,这是一份可以用于讨论PCDA授权的出色文件。

3.The long- term objective of the PCDA was to estabpsh a mainstream development agenda in WIPO on a permanent and sustained basis .PCDA的长期目标是在长期和稳定的基础上确定WIPO发展议程的主流。

4.The Delegation was of the opinion that it was a valuable document and the PCDA should continue with it .该代表团的看法是这是一份有价值的文件,PCDA应继续就它来工作。

5.It added that Ambassador Manalo was greatly honored to have been able to contribute to moving the PCDA process forward.它补充说,Manalo大使非常荣幸能够为向前推动PCDA进程做贡献。

6.The Asian Group considered it a good basis for future work at the PCDA.亚洲集团将其看作PCDA未来工作的好基础。

7.It also expected that in the following PCDA meeting, they would be able to work out all the remaining proposals .它还希望在接下来的PCDA会议上能够做完余下提案的工作。

8.From such a perspective , the Delegation regretted that discussions at the PCDA could not progress over the previous year .从此观点出发,代表团对去年在PCDA的讨论未取得进展表示遗憾。

9.To this end, at the second session of the PCDA in June 2006, Nigeria had submitted a concrete set of proposals to carry the process forward.为此,在2006年6月PCDA第二届会议上,尼日利亚提交了一系列推动该进程的具体提案。

10.That way, the PCDA would report back to the 2007 General Assembly with a draft resolution to be adopted.这样,PCDA将以决议草案向2007年大会报告,等待通过。