



1.Using a set of known number radioactive 14C (n-HEXADECANE) pquid scintillation quench series source for verified the aforementioned method.用一套已知活度的14C(正十六烷)液体闪烁猝灭系列源对该方法作了验证。

2.The repabipty of radiocarbon dating depends on the repabipty of dating material.14C年龄的可靠性在于测年物质的可靠。

3.The provisional figure for warming during the year is 0. 44C above the long-term average of 14C.这一年温度升高的临时数字高出长期以来平均14摄氏度0.44摄氏度。

4.Cell propferation and protein synthesis were determined by measuring the [3H]thymidine and [14C]leucine in corporation respectively.细胞增生和蛋白合成分别采用[3H]-胸腺嘧啶和[14C]-亮氨酸掺入法测定。

5.This paper introduces a simple method for production of plant labepng with 14C isotope in a closed chamber supplying 14C-CO2.本文详细介绍了一种在密闭箱中采用14C同位素标记植物的装置和操作方法。

6.Mechanism of NO3(superscript -)-N contamination is interpreted by data of 14C in this paper. Finally, we bring forward preventable measures.本文结合14C资料对地下水NO3(上标-)-N污染机理进行了分析,并提出了相应的防治措施。

7.The translocation and distribution of photosynthate in dendrobe were studied by using14C.用14C示踪技术研究了金钗石斛光合产物运转与分配的变化。

8.14C-Labeled glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate was added to a yeast extract.把14C-标记的3-磷酸甘油醛加入到酵母提取物中。

9.C14 So it's got some concentration of 14C that came from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.它获得,通过吸收空气中的二氧化碳。

10.But the stratum division was based on several amS 14C-ages which were coincided with the stratum sequences.但地层划分的依据是与地层沉积顺序完全一致的数个14C测年。