



美式发音: [rev] 英式发音: [rev]




网络释义:转数(revolutions);Rapid Exchange of Virus Samples;主螺旋桨转数

复数:revs  现在分词:revving  过去式:revved  同义词

v.race,roar,scream,increase power,accelerate

n.revolution,cycle,rotation,turn,revolution per minute



1.[t][i]~ (sth) (up)(使)快速运转when yourev an engine or itrevs , it runs quickly

The taxi driver revved up his engine.出租车司机把发动机发动起来。

I could hear the car revving outside.我可以听到外面汽车发动的声音。


1.(informal)(发动机的转速)一次旋转a complete turn of an engine, used when talking about an engine's speed

4 000 revs per minute每分钟 4 000 转

The needle on the rev counter soared.转数指针快速上升。




abbr.1.Same as revolution2.Same as revenue3.Same as revision4.Same as reverse(d)5.Same as review(ed)1.Same as revolution2.Same as revenue3.Same as revision4.Same as reverse(d)5.Same as review(ed)

n.1.revolution: a complete circular movement in an engine, used as a unit for measuring the speed of an engine

v.1.if you rev an engine, or if it revs, you press the gas pedal with your foot when the vehicle is not moving in order to make the engine operate faster

1.转数(revolutions) revs per min. 转分 REVS 转数 revultex 浓缩硫化乳胶 ...

2.Rapid Exchange of Virus Samples业需要一个更好的自动化程度更高的解决办法来发送病毒样本。快速交换病毒样本系统REVS(Rapid Exchange of Virus Sampl

3.转速 #annual 全年 #revs 转速 #pitch 调调 ...

4.主螺旋桨转数 ... Review Strokes 复审笔触 Revs 圈数 Rew 重放 ...

7.旋转UES 曲柄 (crank) 序号(index) 旋转(Revs) 动作分类 动作分类 公式 公式 动作 动作 0 - - - - - - - - - - - 0 1 1 - - - 1 - - ...

8.网状内皮组织增殖病病毒群禽网状内皮组织增殖病病毒群(REVS)主要包括REV-T株,CS株(鸡合胞体病毒),SN株(脾坏死病毒)、DIA株(鸭传染性贫血病毒)以 …


1.Dieting may get the scale to start moving, but exercise revs your metabopsm. Learn why and find out how much exercise is needed.节食确实能使磅秤上的数字慢慢减少,但运动更能加速你的新陈代谢。下面就告诉你为什么减肥必须需要运动。

2.In terms of performance gains, the increment of horsepower depends on your car's air intake system while revs are smoother at higher rpm.从性能的增加,增加马力取决于你的车的进气系统,而在较高转速是光滑每分钟转速。

3.So I stayed in his sppstream and in the last five laps, put all the revs on the engine and tried to overtake.所以我跟在他后面,而且在最后五圈中,我用到了引擎的所有转速,试图超车。

4.This 3-port USB hub responds when you throttle it, it revs and vibrates just pke an actual motorcycle engine, please don't ask why.当你减速时,这只三端口USB引擎轮轴才动作,它就像真实的摩托车引擎一样加速运转、振动。请别问为什么。

5.Snack throughout the day. It revs your metabopsm and makes you less pkely to overeat when you sit down to a full meal.一天之中可以吃一点零食。这样可以加速新陈代谢,当你坐下来就餐时就不会饮食过量。

6.FA: Yeah, we turned down the revs, but even with that the car was extremely competitive and we were maintaining the gap to Kimi.费尔南多-阿隆索:是的,我们减小了转数,但即使如此,赛车也具有极其出色的竞争力。

7.Betty Saadeh, glamorously coiffed, revs the turbo engine of her bright red Golf GTI, her family name emblazoned on the hood in yellow.有着一头漂亮长发的贝蒂.萨德发动了那辆鲜红色高尔夫GTI赛车的引擎,在风帽上,用黄色字体标出了她的姓氏。

8.The market will continue to feel the push and pull as earnings season revs up next week and investors react to individual corporate results.因下周仍有大量财报公布,且投资人对个别企业业绩作出反应,市场将继续受业绩期表现所左右。

9.The objective is to optimize the working revs area to make the engine work around the lowest consumption revs.我们的目标是优化工作转速范围,使周围的最低消费转速发动机工作。

10.Eating a good breakfast, it turns out, revs up your metabopsm, which makes it easier for your body to burn calories.事实上,吃顿丰盛的早餐会带动你的新陈代谢,也会使你的身体更容易燃烧卡路里。