


美式发音: [.pi 'i] 英式发音: [.piː 'iː]


网络释义:聚乙烯(Polyethylene);私募股权投资(Private Equity);市盈率




1.体育(课)(全写为 physical education)the abbreviation for‘physical education’ (sport and exercise that is taught in schools)

a PE class一堂体育课


n.1.the 17th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, represented in the Engpsh alphabet as "p" or "f"2.physical education: a school subject in which you exercise and play sports

abbr.1.Peru2.printer's error3.physical education4.potential energy5.Present Era6.Prince Edward Island7.probable error8.Protestant Episcopal1.Peru2.printer's error3.physical education4.potential energy5.Present Era6.Prince Edward Island7.probable error8.Protestant Episcopal

1.聚乙烯(Polyethylene)C 和 PE 投资退出方式 10 中国资本市场中的私募股权投资(PE) 11 中国私募股权投资(PE)业务展望 12 VC/PE 的税务处理[1] 1…

3.市盈率国外产业投资基金概况——... 中国私募股权基金的运作方... 私募股权基金介绍(客户) 如何成立并 …

5.私募股权投资基金私募股权投资基金PE)与私募证券投资基金是两种名称上容易混淆,但实质完全不同的基金。PE主要投资于未上市企业的股 …

6.肺栓塞(pulmonary embopsm)肺栓塞PE)是以各种栓子阻塞肺动脉系统为其发病原因的一组疾病或临床综合征的总称,包括肺血栓栓塞症、脂肪栓塞综合 …

7.高密度聚乙烯指以高密度聚乙烯(PE)为基体,用表面涂敷粘接树脂的钢带 成型为波形作为主要支撑结构,并与聚乙烯材料缠绕复合 成整体的双 …


1.However, because PE teachers out of years of exposure and a gentle temperament, an impression or a more sopd man.但是,因为体育教师多年历练出来的一种斯文气质,给人的感觉还是一个比较牢靠的男人。

2.The students' interest in PE and football can affect their learning enthusiasm and how much they have mastered the skills.学生对体育课和足球运动的兴趣,将直接影响他们学习的积极性及对所学技术的掌握程度。

3.PE files are compiled from custom tools that indicate to the project system that their output is to be compiled into a temporary PE.PE文件是从自定义工具进行编译的,这些自定义工具向项目系统指出其输出将被编译到临时PE中。

4.He said he did not know how matter, when the PE teachers after the students with love and female sports ganging up.他说他不知怎么回事,当了体育教师后就爱和女体育学生在一起勾搭。

5.But PE surface membrane is a relatively weak van der Waals force, waxiness of additives to make it a weak surface layer.但是PE膜是一种表面范德华力较弱的材料,蜡质的添加剂成分使其表面呈现一种弱界面层的状态。

6.Similarly, Citic PE has found that its investments in Chinese city commercial banks were in better shape than it had anticipated, he added.他还说,类似的,中信产业基金发现,它在中国城市商业银行的投资表现好于预期。

7.But that can also mean having PE for an hour just a few times a week.但这也意味着一星期能上几次一小时的体育课。

8.And when credit dries up -- as it did in 2009 -- PE firms slow their investment pace, no matter how much "equity" they've got lying around.当贷款供应大减——如2009年时——私募股权公司会放缓投资步伐,不管他们已募集了多少“私募股本”。

9.There once was a girl who was always left behind to the last one in the running exercise in PE class due to her physically weak body.一个女孩,小的时候由于身体纤弱,每次体育课跑步都落在最后。

10.His mother said, "Oh, you look tired, " she said, "You must have had a hard day, today. Is it PE. ? "他的妈妈说:“咦,看起来你很疲惫,”然后问道,“今天一定很累了,是因为体育课的关系吗?”