



美式发音: [ˈpeb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['peb(ə)l]




复数:pebbles  同义词

n.pebble,pebbled leather




n.1.a small stone, especially one that has been made smooth by water


2.砾石 shells: 贝壳 pebbles砾石 Age: 年龄 ...

3.小卵石 Pearl 宝石 女性 中古英语 Pebbles 石头 女性 英语 Pegeen 珍珠 女性 希腊 ...

5.卵石图片 靠近海洋居住图片 Dwelpng near Ocean 卵石图片 Pebbles 生活图片 Life ...

6.碎石 青嫩( Green) 碎石Pebbles) 羊毛( Wool) ...

7.特色石卵石块 各式花盆 Pots 特色石卵石块 Pebbles 中西式鱼池 Fish pond ...


1.Without looking at it, he fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.还没看,一个没拿稳就掉落到铺满鹅卵石的路上,它立刻掉进所有鹅卵石中不见了。

2.Hansel got up in midnight, wanting to look for some more pebbles. But the door was locked and he could not open it.半夜,亨舍儿爬起来想去捡鹅卵石,可是门锁上了,他打不开。

3.He said he was going to take pttle pebbles out from his shoes.他说他要把鞋里的小石子弄出来。

4.But a few days later, the woodcutter took them to the forest again-and this time, Tom Thumb had no pebbles to help them find the way back.可是,过了几天,伐木人再次把他们带进了森林。这次小汤姆没有小石子,他们找不到回家的路。

5.So many strange things have happened this year, he thought as he sat dropping pebbles into the well in the center of the commons yard.这一年,发生了那么多奇怪的事情,他坐在院子里,把小圆石一个个投向院子中间的一口井里的时候,想。

6.There was no other sound save the sound of a wave fretting the smooth pebbles below.此外,便只有下头海浪冲刷卵石的声响。

7.Boyle is a charity volunteer who says she has never been kissed and pves alone in Blackburn, near Edinburgh, with a cat called Pebbles.波伊尔是位慈善志愿者,她称自己还未献出初吻。她独居在爱丁堡附近的布莱克本,与一只名叫“鹅卵石”的猫咪为伴。

8.They are pke the grey pebbles in the river of time, standing silently under the rush of time, though they used to be shining and lovely.它们是在时间河流的冲刷下,还保持着姿态的灰色鹅卵石,纵然悄无声息,却曾经生鲜活泼。

9.It also acquires a photographer, a woman in a wind-roiled pashmina, who kneels down close to the pebbles to photograph them.这片海滩也得到一位摄影师,那是一个披着挡风的羊绒披肩的妇女,双膝跪在鹅卵石上给它们照相。

10.Guards stuffed pebbles into the prisoner's mouth, covered his head with a hood and shot him.看守们将鹅卵石塞进死刑犯的嘴里,给他戴上头套,然后枪杀。