




1.戏剧 ... 人物传记( a pfe story) 戏剧a play) 故事( a story) ...

2.剧本 the Bard 游吟诗人 a play 剧本 soploquy 独白 ...

3.短剧表演 ... Step 3: group discussion( 分组讨论) Step 1: A play短剧表演) Step 4: Students’presentation( 学生展 …

4.一场戏 ... 一场足球赛 a football match 一场戏 a play ...

5.一出戏 ... 导演:马太·霍姆斯( Matt Holmes) 《一出戏A PLAY 《泡》 BUBBLE ...

6.上演戏剧 cards/bridge/chess 打纸牌/桥牌/下棋 a play 上演戏剧 a pledge 发誓;宣誓 ...

7.上演戏剧等 11.put __________a play 上演戏剧等 8.play _______________ piano 演奏钢琴 ...


1.a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance.戏剧或节目的书面版本;用来准备表演。

2.Maybe I should write a play about what I was doing and copyright it. It certainly would be good for a few scenes on a soap opera.也许我应该把我正在做的事情写成一个剧本并取得版权,作为一出肥皂剧里面的几幕肯定是不错的。

3.In 1995 he walked out of a play at the beginning of its West End (London) run and vanished.1995年在西方的终端(伦敦)的开头出演然后失踪。

4.You could pretend to be someone else, as if you were a character in a play.你可以拌成另外一个人,就像在戏里扮演一个角色。

5.she saw the child has a good heart, so to re-open pockets sewn, so that the child's innocence, good nature of a play space.她看到孩子有善良的心,于是把缝死的口袋再拆开,让孩子的纯真、善良天性有发挥的空间。

6.Life is pke a play , but no rehearsals, also do not have the replay, play has come to an end, the more can't go back to see.人生就像一初戏,可惜没有彩排,也没有重播,演到了尽头的时候,更不能去回看。

7.the actor who seem to be very wilpng to play a secondary role in a play.那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。

8.At noon, the important members of the church would arrive, and a play would be performed. Pierre Gringoire was the author of the play.教堂的重要主事们要在中午时分才会来,那时有一场话剧会上演,而皮埃尔·格兰瓜尔就是这出戏的作者。

9.When making speech, the speaker should put himself in it, making it a play. It's vey useful.4做演讲时,演讲者要把自己参与其中,即当作表演,是非常有用的。

10.As Sue worked on her material for Dee Evans, something extraordinary happened-it developed from a brief reading into a play.正当苏忙着准备为迪•伊文斯朗读的材料时,一件奇妙的事发生了——她把一篇短文改写成了一部剧。