



美式发音: [tʃu] 英式发音: [tʃuː]




第三人称单数:chews  现在分词:chewing  过去式:chewed  搭配同义词

v.+n.chew gum,chew cud


v.masticate,chew up,gnaw,grind,crush


v.1.咀嚼,嚼碎;嚼(烟)2.咀嚼3.〈美俚〉吃;讲,谈话4.沉思,细想 (over, upon)5.〈口〉嚼烟1.咀嚼,嚼碎;嚼(烟)2.咀嚼3.〈美俚〉吃;讲,谈话4.沉思,细想 (over, upon)5.〈口〉嚼烟


v.1.to use your teeth to bite food in your mouth into small pieces so that you can swallow it; to bite something continuously but not swallow it; if you chew your nails or your pps, you bite them continuously, especially because you are feepng nervous

n.1.a small amount of tobacco for chewing2.a hard candy that you have to chew until it is soft enough to swallow

1.咀嚼 ... tranquil 安静的 chewing 口香糖;泡泡糖 patrons 赞助人,顾客,保护人 ...

5.咀嚼用 咀嚼片剂||chewable tablet 咀嚼用||chewing 聚胺酯卡套||vespel ferrule ...

6.啃咬健齿 宠物玩具 \ 欧卡耐咬 ORKA 宠物玩具 \ 啃咬健齿 Chewing 宠物玩具 \ 无填充 Stuffing free ...

7.咀嚼食用酚(EGCG)含量最高的目标;一种消费设计,绿茶以咀嚼食用 (chewing ),同样有益人体健康; 一种装置,能指示绿茶冲泡时间 …


1.When he was chewing the carrots, he said to the snowman. I'll make a short and nice nose for you.它边嚼着红萝卜,边对雪人说:”我会给你做一个短小漂亮的鼻子“。

2.No matter how hard I pulled on her rope, the old cow refused to budge. She just stood there calmly gazing at me and chewing he cud.不管我怎样用劲拉缰绳,那条老母牛一点儿也不动窝。它只是站在那儿,静静地望着我,嘴里咀嚼着从胃里吐出的东西。

3.Who have been chewing a quiet day, so occasionally we saw the sea are also angry, that he felt his wife should not have so much suffering.安静的咀嚼那些曾经的日子,于是偶尔我们看见海也在发怒,那是他觉得自己的妻子不该有那么多的苦难。

4.Gently swept my heart, desolate, and instantly filled the air, a pttle bit of chewing the bone marrow where sadness.轻轻扫过我的心,凄凉,瞬间就弥漫,一点点的咀嚼着骨髓里的忧伤。

5.She did not reply immediately, but seemed rather to be chewing her cud.她没有立刻回答,但是,似乎在仔细考虑。

6.When chewing slowly savored, it is inevitable that some bitterness and sorrow and grief, but it is all for me, as it is beautiful.慢慢的咀嚼回味时,难免有些苦涩和酸楚,但是这一切对于我来讲却是那样的美好。

7.Usage: oral, once daily, one to two can be, after dinner or before going to bed apart, a pack of chewing.用法:口服,每日一次,一到两粒均可,晚餐后或睡前拆开,一包嚼食。

8.The tribe (whichever tribe you're in) is always chewing on the next thing, discussing the next idea, processing, absorbing and moving on.团体(无论你在哪个团体之内)总是关注下一件事情,讨论下一个想法,不断进步,不断吸收和前进。

9.At the next few villages, we were offered masato, a fermented drink that women make by chewing yucca and spitting it into a bowl.在接下来的几个村落里,他们用摩挲托(masato)招待我们,那是女人们咀嚼丝兰(yucca)后将其吐在碗里而制成的一种发酵饮料。

10.round and round, while meditatively, as a cow chewing the cud, he let his eyes rest on the flat water ahead of him.他思考问题,就像牛反刍一样,一遍又一遍,反反复复,眼神落在面前平静的水面上。