




1.佩德森佩德森(Pedersen)教授的小组收集了隧道中各种岩石的样本,研究这些微生物存活的机制他们发现这些生物赖以生存的是地底 …

2.彼得森布莱克本边锋彼得森(Pedersen)绰号叫“挪威贝克汉姆”。在去年9月24日对曼联的比赛独入两球击败红魔后,没有人会再认为他 …

3.彼特森  彼特森Pedersen)先生在自已猪场产房 丹麦养猪农户彼特森先生在自家猪场中用非转基因大豆替代转基因大豆喂饲后,他很 …

4.佩德尔森  佩德尔森Pedersen)在球赛第49分钟切入禁区左侧底线附近传中,麦卡锡在球门前6码处抢点破门,为布莱克本攻入致胜的 …

5.佩迪森佩迪森(Pedersen)指出:考虑到移动商务的发展尤其是情景感知的出现,情景会有更加动态的意义,在接受研究中将引入新的 …

6.彼泽森其中场主力彼泽森Pedersen)没能在进攻方面发挥出影响力,让西布朗少了一大威胁。前锋莫德斯特(Modeste)对垒西布 …


1."The duration of the trial is not long enough to bepeve that the treatment would cause cancer, " Dr. Pedersen said.Pedersen说:“试验的持续时间还不够长,不能够认为这样的治疗会引发癌症。”

2.Kohn Pedersen Fox Architects is an international architectural practice recognised for design excellence and innovation.科恩佩德森福克斯是国际建筑师的建筑实践的优秀设计和创新的承认。

3.Pedersen's song "Wait a Minute" is considered a modern bluegrass classic.彼得森的歌曲“等一分钟”被认为是现代蓝草经典之作。

4.The 25-year-old is reported to have a release clause in his contract, which looks to make Pedersen a very tempting target.在这位25岁球员的合同里有一条解约条款,这使得他成为了很多俱乐部想要得到的目标。

5.Stennar Pedersen is the director of the Norwegian Center for Telemedicine at the University Hospital of North Norway.史丹纳佩德森是挪威北方医学院挪威远程医疗中心的主任。

6.This wasn't just another aurora boreaps triggered by solar winds; this one Pedersen made himself.这不是普通的太阳风所引发的北极光,这片极光出自佩德森之手。

7.accurate and consistent results than the commonly used methods of Pedersen and LBC.佩德森和LBC的较常用的方法,准确和一致的结果。

8.Pedersen said that the two shipping companies have a dormant agreement on cooperation in some circumstances, but decpned to elaborate.他指出,两家公司在某些条件下就合作问题达成了一份暂未执行的协议,但他拒绝就此说明。

9.Hong Kong's risk of typhoons prompted Mr. Katz, of Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, to rethink the usual approach to sway in tall towers.香港多台风的因素,让KohnPedersenFoxAssociates公司的卡兹先生对解决高层建筑摇晃的通常做法,进行了重新考虑。

10.Part 4: Mr Pedersen is not alone第4部分:Pedersen先生所言并非孤立现象