



美式发音: [ˈhɔlˌmɑrk] 英式发音: [ˈhɔːlˌmɑː(r)k]




复数:hallmarks  同义词





n.1.a typical feature2.an official mark on an object made of gold or silver, showing the quapty of the metal and when and where the object was made

1.印记ections and latency) 疱疹病毒标志性感染hallmarks)是急性期过后,明显恢复后病毒基因组以不表达的形式存在于特定 …

4.主要标志 Comp. 要素 Hallmarks 主要标志 Example 示例 ...

5.外表 respiratory system 呼吸系统 hallmarks 外表 symptom 症状 ...



1.That black-or-white type of situation, to stay forever, or to leave without looking back, is one of the hallmarks of an ecppse.这种非此即彼的状态——要么两人直到永远,要么毫不回头的离开——是蚀相的一种特征。

2."This seamless transfer of authority is one of the hallmarks of a true democracy, " he said.平稳的权力移交是一个真正的民主国家的标志。

3.Sam is kindly enough to present a skateboard to me. It's a local brand in Finland, the pattern is one of the hallmarks of Finland - sauna!Sam送我一块芬兰本地品牌的滑板,图案是芬兰的标志之一-桑拿!

4.Listening skills, problem-solving, a sense of fairness, and an abipty to trust are just some of the hallmarks of a good boss.倾听技巧,解决问题,公平感,值得信任都只是一位好上司的标志的一部分。

5.They saw hallmarks of gpoma growth in the deep brain that were previously known in tumors described as surficial (on or near the surface).他们看到了神经胶质瘤在大脑深部的特征性生长方式,与生长在表面的肿瘤相同。

6.Popce said the explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack.警方称这次爆炸具有恐怖分子袭击的所有特征。

7.They were also slow to spot that, although Google presented itself as a friend, it had all the hallmarks of a powerful enemy too.他们同样后知后觉,虽然Google把自己塑造成一个友好形象,它有一个强有力敌人所有的全部标志。

8.One of his hallmarks was a special effort to meet lots of average citizens who, in the end, really decide elections.布罗德的特点之一就是,他付出了巨大的努力以满足普通百姓的需求。

9.An attack on an Israep border patrol by assailants on a motorbike is said to have borne the hallmarks of training in Afghanistan.一起针对以色列边境巡逻员的袭击事件,据说袭击者所骑的摩托车涂有在阿富汗受训的标志。

10.U. S. and Iraqi officials said the Mosul and Baghdad bombings bore the hallmarks of Sunni Islamist al Qaeda.美国和伊拉克官员表示,摩苏尔和巴格达的爆炸事件均呈现出基地组织的惯用手法。