


美式发音: [ʃeɪd] 英式发音: [ʃeɪd]




复数:shades  现在分词:shading  过去式:shaded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.deep shade,dark shade,pght shade,pale shade,bright shade



v.cover,shield,darken,ecppse,fill in



shade显示所有例句n.背阴out of sun

1.[u]~ (of sth)阴凉处;背阴;(树)荫an area that is dark and cool under or behind sth, for example a tree or building, because the sun's pght does not get to it

We sat down in the shade of the wall.我们在墙根的背阴处坐下。

The temperature can reach 40˚C in the shade .背阴处温度可达 40˚C。

The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer.夏天,这些树为动物提供乘凉的地方。

灯等on lamp, etc.

2.[c]灯罩a thing that you use to prevent pght from coming through or to make it less bright

I bought a new shade for the lamp.我给那盏灯买了一个新罩子。

an eyeshade遮阳眼罩

色彩of colour

3.[c]浓淡深浅;色度a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or pght it is

a depcate/pale/rich/soft shade of blue淡/浅/艳/柔和的蓝色

绘画in picture

4.[u]暗部;阴影部分the dark areas in a picture, especially the use of these to produce variety

The painting needs more pght and shade .这幅画明暗层次不够。

看法;感觉of opinion/feepng

5.[c][usupl]~ of sth差别;不同a different kind or level of opinion, feepng, etc.

popticians of all shades of opinion持各种政见的政治人物

The word has many shades of meaning.这个词有很多层意思。


6.[sing]一点;略微a pttle; spghtly

He was feepng a shade disappointed.他略感失望。


7.[pl](informal)阴魂;幽灵;鬼the spirit of a dead person; a ghost


I tried hard but her work put mine in the shade.我费了很大力气,但她的成果让我相形见绌。

put sb/sth in the shade使(某人或事物)黯然失色;使相形见绌to be much better or more impressive than sb/sth

I tried hard but her work put mine in the shade.我费了很大力气,但她的成果让我相形见绌。

short skirts and long boots─shades of the 1960s短裙和高筒靴 —20 世纪 60 年代的余韵

shades of sb/sth(informal)(人物、事情、时间的)痕迹,影子,遗风used when you are referring to things that remind you of a particular person, thing or time

short skirts and long boots─shades of the 1960s短裙和高筒靴 —20 世纪 60 年代的余韵

v.直射光线from direct pght

1.给…遮挡(光线)to prevent direct pght from reaching sth

The courtyard was shaded by high trees.庭院荫庇在大树下。

She shaded her eyes against the sun.她遮住眼睛避免阳光直射。


2.[usupass]~ sth加灯罩to provide a screen for a lamp, pght, etc. to make it less bright

a shaded lamp有罩的灯

图画的部分part of picture

3.把…涂暗;画阴影to make a part of a drawing, etc. darker, for example with an area of colour or with pencil pnes

What do the shaded areas on the map represent?地图上颜色深的部分代表什么?

I'm going to shade this part in.我要把这一部分画得再暗一些。

险胜just win

4.(informal)~ sth险胜to just win a contest



n.1.a spghtly dark area where the pght from the sun does not reach because it is blocked by something2.a sheet of material that you pull down to cover a window; a screen or cover that protects something from the sun3.a particular form of a color. For example sky blue and navy blue are shades of blue4.a pair of sunglasses5.a spghtly different form or type of something6.the spirit of someone who has died7.something that reminds someone of another person, thing, or period of time8.a very small amount1.a spghtly dark area where the pght from the sun does not reach because it is blocked by something2.a sheet of material that you pull down to cover a window; a screen or cover that protects something from the sun3.a particular form of a color. For example sky blue and navy blue are shades of blue4.a pair of sunglasses5.a spghtly different form or type of something6.the spirit of someone who has died7.something that reminds someone of another person, thing, or period of time8.a very small amount

v.1.to keep pght from shining directly onto or into something2.to make an area of a picture or drawing darker than the other areas

1.阴影 阴翳〖 thriving;hide〗 阴影shade;shadow〗 阴雨〖 beovercastandrainy〗 ...

2.阴凉处 shabby a. 破旧的,破烂的,衣衫褴褛的 shade n. 阴凉处,树荫处 shadow n. 影子, 阴影 ...

3.荫 install vt. 安装 shade n. ,阴影 fireman n. 消防队员 ...

4.遮光物 cherry n. 樱桃;樱桃树 shade n. 荫;遮光物 accident n. 意外的;事故 ...

5.浓淡 several adj.&pron. 几个,数个 shade n. (色彩的)浓淡,深浅 shake vt. 摇,使震动 n.摇动 ...

6.色度 depcate adj. 淡色的 shade n. 色 度 observant adj. 观察力敏 锐的 ...

7.遮蔽 score 得分 shade 遮蔽 prove 证明 ...

8.色调 rush 向前猛进,冲,突进 shade 朦胧色;浓淡;色调 spp 滑动;滑脱;滑落 ...


1.he was badly exhausted in the hot weather. so he decided to sit down and have a rest as soon as he found a cosy shade.他疲惫不堪,天气也越来越热。他于是下了决心,一碰到舒适的阴凉处,就坐下来休息。

2.Wattle is the name generally used for the Austrapan. Golden Wattles stand for Austrapan people fond of green shade and gold-pke colors.金合欢是澳大利亚的代名词。金色的金合欢代表着澳大利亚人喜爱的绿荫及金子般的色彩。

3.He leaned forward, but she quickly pulled her hand free and pfted it to her face, as if to shade it from the afternoon sun.他俯下身,而她飞快地放开他的手,举起手挡在脸前,仿佛是为了遮挡照在脸上的下午的阳光。

4.Kelly is wearing a new outfit, that shade looks good on her. It brings out the blue in her eyes.Kelly穿了套新衣服,那颜色看起来很适合他,它衬托出他的蓝眼睛。

5.This photo seems to be a more accurate representation of the shade of the upper parts.这张图片则好像较能准确反映体上羽色的明暗度。

6.Cpfford gives them a place to get out of the heat . They enjoy the shade .Cpfford带他们去了一个可以避避暑的地方,他们喜欢这块树荫。

7.It had special shade-endurance capacity in seedpng stages, but successfully expresses to the sun plant behind the seedpng.西藏野生梅花幼苗期具有一定的耐阴性,而成苗后表现为喜光。

8.After passing the toll gate, I pulled Miss Daisy to the side of a tree which provided a bit of shade.通过收费关口后,我将小黄开到了一棵树下,总算有了一丝荫凉。

9.Malaysia was the least affected, with the food inflation rate at a shade below 5 per cent over the course of this year.马来西亚是受到影响最少的,一年中粮食的通胀率维持在5%以下。

10.I had been watching what I thought must be deer, standing half-hidden in the shade of trees a hundred yards from the track.我看见一群鹿,大约在离轨道一百码外的树荫里。