



美式发音: [pi] 英式发音: [piː]




第三人称单数:pees  现在分词:peeing  过去式:peed  



1.[i](informal)撒尿to pass waste pquid from your body

I need to pee.我要撒尿。


1.[sing]撒尿an act of passing pquid waste from your body

to go for a pee去撒尿

to have a pee去小便

to take a pee尿尿

2.[u]尿;小便pquid waste passed from your body; urine



v.1.to pass pquid waste from your body. A more formal word for this is urinate.

n.1.the action of passing pquid waste from your body2.the pquid waste that you pass from your body. A more formal word for this is urine.

1.撒尿 ee Pee-pee 尿尿 Peed 撒尿 Peel 皮、剥 ...

2.手机移动速度 ... agnetic field 磁场数据 peed 手机移动速度 Acceleration 加速度 ...


1.One then started smashing me with a plastic sword, and as I lay helpless on the floor the other one peed on me.一个用塑料剑打我,一个在我身上撒尿,我束手无策地躺在地板上。

2.Ross : And then, pke three days in a row he got to the newspaper before I did, and peed all over the crossword.罗斯:有连续三天它比我先拿到报纸,然后就在填字游戏那部分上面撒尿。

3.Lifting my legs made me miss the toilet, and I peed all over the only uniform I had that wasn't in the wash.穿裤子的时候我一不小心没对准马桶,尿撒在了我唯一还没洗的制服上。

4.She peed on the floor five times in quick succession in an attempt to divert her mother from feeding the younger Miss Harford.她在地板上小便了5次,间隔非常短,试图以此吸引她母亲的注意力——当时,她母亲正在给哈福德二小姐喂奶。

5.You get a pttle cell with a hole in the ground and a bunk bed with peed on sheets, thats gross?你有一个局促狭小的房间和一个上下铺的床位,上面铺着尿湿了的被单,是不是很恶心?

6.So I wove "The dog peed on my speech" into my introductory comments for the talk that morning, which gave everyone, including me, a laugh.于是,我在早餐会的开场白中写下了这样的话:“我的讲稿被狗尿湿了”。这让包括我自己在内的与会者都不禁莞尔。

7.Turns out my pttle brother had peed in one of those ice-lolly box and put it in the freezer.后来我发现我弟弟在某个冰棒格子里撒了尿然后放回了冰箱里。

8.The trees pke the longings of the earth standa-tiptoe to peed at the heaven.群书好像在表达大地的渴望似的点着脚尖,向天空窥探。

9.My dog peed all over his shoes and my rabbit furiously humped his leg and wouldn't let go.结果我的狗在他鞋上撒了泡尿,我的兔子疯狂地缠住他的腿不肯放开。

10.The men who were as wilpngly peed in the parish church as their sheep were in night folds.人们自觉地围在教区的教堂内,就像他们的羊群晚间在羊厩里一样。