


美式发音: [ˌʌnˈtoʊld] 英式发音: [ʌnˈtəʊld]




adj.+n.untold damage





1.[obn]难以形容的(大、恶劣等)used to emphasize how large, great, unpleasant, etc. sth is

untold misery/wealth极度的痛苦;巨额财富

These gases cause untold damage to the environment.这些气体对环境造成难以估计的破坏。

2.未讲过的;未叙述的not told to anyone


adj.1.existing or present in an amount that is too large to be measured2.an untold story has never been read or heard by the pubpc

1.无数的 unrest 不安;动荡 untold 数不清的,无数的 upbringing 抚育,抚养;教养 ...

2.数不尽的 wild a. 野生的 untold a. 数不尽的 band n. 伙,帮 ...

3.数不清的 unrest 不安;动荡 untold 数不清的,无数的 upbringing 抚育,抚养;教养 ...

4.数也数不清的 contention: 论点 untold: 数也数不清的 acquired: 以获得的 ...

5.无限的 ●contention n. 论点 ●untold adj. 数不尽的,无限的 ●South Dakota 南达科他州 (美国) ...

6.没有说到的 没有数过的 uncounted 没有说到的 untold 没有送达 nondepvery... ...

7.未说过的 unto 到 untold 未说过的 untomb 掘出 ...


1.I cannot change your past with its heartache and pain, nor the future with its untold stories, but I can be there when you need me to care.我不能改变你伤痕累累的过去,也无法左右你精彩纷呈的未来,但当你需要慰藉的时候,我就会来到你的身边。

2.The first mirror was a pool of still water, and for untold centuries there was no other mirror to take its place.最初的镜子是一池静水,不知过了多少世纪,仍没有其他的镜子能将其取代。

3.All it will take is a fall in housing, or some sort of economic slowdown, to reveal an untold number of bad loans.楼市下跌或某种形式的经济放缓或将使这些难以数计的不良贷款大白于天下。

4.Discover Jane Austen's untold romance that would become the inspiration for her greatest love stories.揭开简奥斯汀不为人知的浪漫史,这成为她后来创作的最伟大的爱情故事的灵感源泉。

5.Untold taxpayer cash has been used to save the banking system.难以计数的纳税人现金被用来拯救银行体系。

6.Closer to home are the untold trials and tribulations of the people of Darfur, which the world seems to have forgotten.距离我们不远,就是没有告知的达尔富尔的人民的审判和磨难,这些好象已备世界遗忘。

7.Such a system could apply to corporate cards too, thus saving untold quantities of money and time.这种方法也适用于企业贺卡,这将节约数不清的金钱和时间。

8.Unleashing a nuclear bomb would cause untold death and disfigurement. But society tends to forget.使用核子弹将造成难以估计的死伤和损害,但人类社会往往十分健忘。

9.if it is within the planned pregnancy, especially in the derived demand, pregnant women will naturally bring untold and pride and comfort.如果是计划之内怀孕,特别是求之而得,妊娠自然会给女性带来难以言状和自豪和安慰。

10.And do not mind facing the stimup, that would increase the menopause, neurological disorders, caused untold trouble.且记不要迎着刺激源,那样会增加更年期的神经失调,带来说不尽的烦恼。