


美式发音: [ˈdikæf] 英式发音: [ˈdiːkæf]






1.低咖(脱咖啡因咖啡)decaffeinated coffee

Regular coffee or Decaf?你要普通咖啡还是低咖?

I'll have a decaff, please.请给我来一杯低咖。


n.1.decaffeinated coffee, or a cup of this drink

1.无咖啡因的咖啡 4. coffee filter 咖啡滤纸 5. decaf 低咖啡因(咖啡) 7. espresso 浓缩咖啡 ...

3.脱咖啡因咖啡 gallstone: 胆石 decaf: 脱咖啡因咖啡 caffeine: 咖啡因,茶精(兴奋剂) ...

4.低咖啡因咖啡 Blue Mountain 蓝山 Decaf 低咖啡因咖啡 Flatware- 西餐具 ...

5.脱因咖啡 mocha Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐 Decaf 脱因咖啡 Caffè Mocha 摩卡 ...


1.Still, as the evening ended and we sipped our decaf, we tried to help her see that not to decide was a decision, too.那个晚上我们聊了很久,试图让她明白其实不做决定本身就是一个决定。

2.Remind me to review with you which pot is decaf and which is regular.瑞秋,提醒我跟你复习哪壶是低因咖啡,哪壶不是

3.Get outdoors. Even if I didn't do the swim, just being there at the beach, with my decaf coffee (I quit caffeine, remember? ), was calming.去户外即便我不去游泳,仅仅在海滩上喝我的无咖啡因咖啡(我戒了咖啡因,你记得吧?)

4.Switching to decaf after 3 p. m. and making an effort to get to bed earper helped me bring my score into the 50s the second week.下午三点以后改喝不含咖啡因的咖啡、尽量早点儿休息让我在第二周将分数提高到了50多分。

5.Sure, you might earn yourself a "free" decaf latte when you check in five times at a coffee shop, but at what price to your privacy?当然,你因为在一个咖啡厅标记5次而得到了一杯“免费”的无咖啡因咖啡,但是你的隐私又值多少钱呢?

6.The findings bode well for mid-aged and older coffee (not decaf) lovers, but there's reason to be cautious.这项研究表明这对中老年脱因咖啡爱好者来说是个好事,但仍需小心。

7.What a girly drink. I'll take a bag of the Blue Mountain and a decaf breva.真是女性化的饮料。我要买包蓝山和一杯低咖啡因的布雷瓦……

8.I was in the middle of making another pot of vanilla hazelnut decaf when the customer from the day before drove up to the window.我是在制作另一香草榛子咖啡因锅中间时,由前一天开到窗口客户。

9.If Siegel is right, the decaf approach that the manufacturer of Four Loko has now taken could be troubpng.如果Siegel的观点正确,那么FourLoko制造商现在采取的脱咖啡因措施可能就有麻烦了。

10.Neither caffeine alone nor a decaf version of the beverage provided the same protection as caffeinated coffee.不管是单纯的咖啡因还是脱因咖啡饮料都无法起到含咖啡因的咖啡那样的保护作用。